Forex Trading In India Wikitravel

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Best Trading Sites.24Option Trade 10 Minute Konta Binaries. TradeRush Otwórz Rachunek Demo. Boss Capital Start Trading Dzisiejsze Życie Today. Ten artykuł lub sekcja nie pasuje do naszego podręcznika stylu lub potrzebuje innej edycji Prosimy, zanurz się w przód, oddaj jej swoją uwagę i pomoc usprawnia Sugerowane poprawki Nie określono Proszę używać strony dyskusyjnej artykułu, aby zadać pytania, jeśli nie wiesz, dlaczego dodano ten znacznik i czy można go bezpiecznie usunąć. Chennai Tamil 1 poprzednio znany jako Madras to 369-letnie miasto jest stolica południowego stanu Tamilnadu i jest szóstym co do wielkości miastem w Indiach pod względem liczby ludności o liczbie mieszkańców 7 45 milionów mieszkańców. Jest jedną z głównych bram południowych Indii i ma bogatą lokalną kulturę i sztukę oraz jest jednym z głównych celów turystyki medycznej Jest uważany za jeden z najszybciej rozwijających się miast na świecie, choć zajmuje 13 miejsce pod względem czystości. Znajduje się on na wybrzeżu Coromandel w zatoce Bengal i ma drugą pozycję Est beachfront of any city na świecie. Koń i jeździec, Anna Salai. Ustanowienie edit. Historia edit. Long miejscu wcześniejszych osiedli nadmorskich, Madras został założony w 1639 roku, kiedy brytyjska firma East India Company reprezentowała Francisa Daya i Andrew Cogana oraz wspomagany przez lokalnego tłumacza Beri Thimappa otrzymał grunt na budowę osady handlowej przez lokalnego władcę Telugu Nayak z przedmieścia Vandavasi, Damerla Venkatapathy Naidu na nazwisko ojca Damerla Chennappa Naidu Dokument dotacji gruntów pochodzi z 22 sierpnia 1639 r. dlatego Madras świętuje swoje urodziny 22 sierpnia każdego roku w Madras dzień Madras był jednym z pierwszych placówek British East India Company pułkownik William Lambton, nadzorca Wielkiego Trylogonometru Indii, rozpoczął swoją podróż triangulacji Indii z St Thomas Mount The Brytyjski wybudowany Fort St George dziś siedzibę prawodawczą i administracyjną stanu Fort St George został zakończony w dzień świętego Jerzego w 1640 23 kwietnia i h Ence został nazwany po patronce George Town, a następnie rozwinął się w nowoczesne miasto Madras, pochłaniając kilka pobliskich dzielnic Thomas, jeden z dwunastu apostołów Jezusa Chrystusa, jest związany z Chennai Powiedziano mu, że przybył do Indii jako ewangelista i zmarł w tym, co teraz jest Chennai W jego pamięci wymieniono dwa przedmieścia, Santhome i St Thomas Mount. W 1996 r. rząd Tamilnadu zmienił nazwę Madras na Chennai, podając, że Chennai była tradycyjną nazwą miasta, podczas gdy Madras pochodziła z czasów panowania kolonialnego. Madras pochodzi od Madraspatnam imienia nadanego obszarowi, gdy Brytyjczycy wynegocjowali tam osiedlenie się z Damerla Venkatapathy Nayakudu Pochodzenie nazwy pochodzi od Muthuraja Chennappa Nayakudu, która służyła pod Sriranga Deva Raya, pomagając mu w walce z Golkondą Ibrahim Qutb Shah w kilku bitwach , zwłaszcza w 1576 r., gdy Penukonda została pojmana przez Ali Adil Shah, a w 1579 r., kiedy zdobył dowódcę Golkondy Murari Rao. W 1580 r. Ibrahim Qutb Shah z Golkondy zaatakował Kondavidu Później wziął Fort Udayagiri i zaczął masakrować mieszkańców Jednak został pokonany po krótkiej walce z wojskiem Raya, Qutb Shah, później wziął fort z Vinukondą Sriranga, pokonując siły Sultan z pomocą swoich generałów muthuraja Chennappa damarla był jego nazwiskiem i Kasturiranga Podczas tej walki Chennappa utracił życie Następcy Kasturiranga zostali wybrani przez Kasturiranga Kiedy firma East India Company założyła dziś fortecę w Chennai, za którą otrzymał Damarla Venkatadri Nayakudu, lokalny palegar w tym obszarze, pod warunkiem, że obszar ma być wymieniony na cześć jego ojca Muthuraja chennapa nayakudu jako muthuraja firma East India w skrócie nazwała obszar, madras madras jest skorumpowaną formą wcześniejszych dni tego obszaru nazywano madraspattam, a także chennapatnam Później Govt z Tamil Nadu zmienił nazwę na Chennai Niektóre starsze populacje nadal odnoszą się do miasta jako Madras, ale nazwa Chennai caugh tzn. miasto Madras stało się ważnym miastem, była stolicą prezydencji Madras, prowincji, która obejmowała części południowych Indii, które nie były zarządzane przez żadną z inne państwa książęce Po odzyskaniu niepodległości stało się stolicą państwa Madras, a gdy państwa zostały zreorganizowane językowo, stał się stolicą Tamil Nadu. Chennai szczyci się licznymi dobrze znanymi ludźmi, w tym Elihu Yale, którego liberalny dar finansował budowa Uniwersytetu Yale w 1718 roku Indira Nooyi Prezes Pepsi International AR Rahman, geniusz muzyczny Slumdog Millionaire, Manirathnam ace Reżyser filmowy, Vijay Armirthraj, Ramesh Krishnan i jego ojciec Ramanathan Krishnanm gwiazdy tenisowe i mistrz świata w szachach Vishwanathan Anand wśród wielu innych. Kultura edit. Chennai jest bramą na południe, a jej kultura jest wyraźnie różni się od innych miast w Indiach Tamil tradycji i kultury są rdzenne do tego r i jest zasadniczo obrzędem piękna, co jest przykładem tańca, odzieży i rzeźb Chennai jest zarówno ortodoksyjnym, jak i nowoczesnym miastem kosmopolitycznym, kultura miasta odzwierciedla jej różnorodne populacje Sztuki tradycyjne, muzyka, taniec i inne formy sztuki formy Tamilnadu rosną i rozwijają się tutaj Żywność jest unikalną mieszanką tradycyjnej, szybkiej żywności i filtra kaapi To ziemia świątyń i kapłanów Architektura obejmuje starożytne świątynie i nowoczesne wieżowce Muzyka jest klasyczna i zachodnia, do rosnących klubów nocnych w mieście Znajdziesz szkołę tradycyjnego Bharatanatyamu lub tańca Salsy, a także muzyki veena violin lub na gitarze perkusyjnej w niemal każdej dzielnicy miasta Kontroli Chennai odzwierciedla swój tradycjonalizm co grudniu, kiedy sezon muzyczny jest w pełnym swingu Odzież jest na ogół konserwatywne, ale młode są współczesne. Tradycyjne stroje z tamil - kobiety Tamil tradycyjnie noszą Saree lub Sari, podczas gdy mężczyźni noszą shti, która może być albo białą paną, albo barwną płucą o typowych wzorach południowo-indyjskich. Saree, będąc bezszyfrowym opakowaniem, wzbogaca sylwetkę użytkownika, a tylko częściowo pokrywającą pięść. W filozofii indyjskiej pępek Istoty Najwyższej uważane za źródło życia i kreatywności Dlatego tradycyjnie żołądek i pępek należy pozostawić nie ukryte, choć filozofia kostiumu została w dużej mierze zapomniana To urzeczywistnia ciało sharira-mandali, gdzie w Angikam bhuvanam yasya ciało jest waszym światem łączy się z shaarira-mandala całym wszechświatem, jak wyraża się w Natyashastra Te zasady saree, posiadają również inne formy owijania, jak lungi lub noszone przez ludzi lungi mogą być owinięte w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskazówek zegara lub anty - zgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara i mogą być przywiązane do tyłu lub przymocowane tylko wzdłuż linii taliowej Czasami podnoszone do kolana i przymocowane do pasa swobodnie lub po prostu podtrzymywane w celu przyspieszenia chodu W tradycji Brahm w domach mężczyźni noszą panchey kachche gdzie jest przywiązany do tyłu, biorąc go między nogi Podobne wzorce są widoczne w women. Tamil Nadu Cuisine - ryż jest podstawową dietą w Chennai, Dosa, Idli i Uttapam są popularne w Chennai stan Tamil Nadu ma odrębne miejsce w kulinarnej mapie kraju Chennai ma szeroki wybór wegetariańskich i nie-wegetariańskich przysmaków do zaoferowania żywności tutaj dostaje jego smak z wielu przypraw i przypraw wykorzystywanych w Tamil Nadu kokos, tamarynd i asafetida są niezbędne dla prawie wszystkie przepisy wegetariańskie Garam masala jest unikać w Tamil kuchni Gingelly olej z nasion sezamu jest zwykle stosowany dając mu wyraźny smak Oliwa z oliwek nie jest zwykle popularne Chutneys i mieszane przyprawy serwowane są w obiad i zwiększyć smak posiłku The South India lunch nazywany posiłkiem w Chennai składa się z gotowanego ryżu podawanego z różnymi potrawami warzywnymi, Sambar, chutneys, Rasam gorącym bulionem zrobionym z sokiem tamaryndowym i pieprzem i jogurtu twarogowego. tajski lunch zawiera curry lub potrawy gotowane z baraniny, kurczaka lub ryby Tamil posiłki są niekompletne bez ostrych papads lub Appalam W Chennai, kuchni Chettinad z Tamil Nadu jest szczególnie znana Kuchnia ta jest gorąca i pikantna i zapewnia wyśmienite odmiany w baraninie, dania z kurczaka i ryb Chettinad Pepper Chicken jest jednym z najsławniejszych potraw w Tamil Nadu Styl Chennai stylu potraw Mughalai można spróbować w Biryani i Paya Paya jest rodzajem przyprawionego bulionu trotnika i spożywanego z Parathas lub Appam Breakfast lub tiffin w Chennai zawiera bezgotówkowe na parze ryżowe ciastka, dosajak naleśnik z ryżu i soczewicy ostry smażony na patelni, vadai głęboko smażone pączki z ciasta soczewicy, pongal smak ryżu i soczewicy gotowane razem i przyprawione ghee, orzechy nerkowca, pieprz i nasiona kminka, ugotowana semolina uppuma przyprawiona olejkiem musztardą, pieprzem, nasion kminkiem i suchymi soczewicami Większość potraw śniadaniowych w Chennai jest spożywa się z chutneyem kokosowym, Sambar przyprawiony bulion soczewicy i milagai podi sproszkowana mieszanka kilku suszonych soczewicy zjedzonych z olejem Tamil Nadu, szczególnie Chennai, znana jest z kawy filtracyjnej Większość Tamilów ma subtelny niechęć do kawy instant, dlatego filtruje kawę jest bardziej popularna Przygotowanie kawy filtracyjnej jest prawie jak codzienna robota, ziarna kawy muszą być najpierw prażone, a następnie mielone. Proszek kawowy jest następnie wkładany do zestawu filtracyjnego i dodawana jest gorąca woda do przygotowania wrzenia i pozostawiona na około 15 minut. Następnie wywar wyrób do mleka z dodatkiem cukru do smaku Napój przygotowany w ten sposób wylewa się z jednego pojemnika do drugiego w krótkich odstępach czasu, aby uzyskać idealną filiżankę kawy filtracyjnej egzotycznego napoju, który odświeża Cię i smak, który utrzymuje się, najlepiej podawany w zestawie Dabarah, stalowy bębenek i spodek z obręczą. Music - jest wielu kompozytorów w muzyce karnawałowej Purandara Dasa 1480-1564 jest znany jako ojciec Pitamaha muzyki karnawskiej z powodu swojego pionu wkład do muzyki karnicznej Purandara Dasa znany jest z formułowania podstawowych lekcji muzyki karnicznej Współcześni Tyagaraja 1759-1847, Muthuswami Dikshitar, 1776-1827 i Syama Sastri 1762-1827 są uważani za Trójcę muzyki karnawskiej z powodu jakości Kompozycje Syamy Sastri, różnorodne kompozycje Muthuswami Dikshitar i Tyagaraja produkujące kritisy Kompozycje tych kompozytorów są często prezentowane przez artystów z dnia dzisiejszego podczas festiwalu muzycznego sezon Chennai Music Festival lub grudzień Season to święto muzyki klasycznej i taniec południowych Indii odbyło się w połowie grudnia do połowy stycznia w stolicy Chennai, Tamil Nadu Festiwal odbywa się w wielu miejscach wokół miasta przez różne sabhas lub organizacje Poza salami widowiskowymi, znanym budynkiem świątyni i bungalowami dziedzictwa są wykorzystywane jako miejsca Miesiącowy tańca i muzyczna ekstrawagancja będą miały występy wybitnego artysty z różnych części Indii Festiwal Tańca i Muzyki Margazhi rozpoczął się wczesnym rankiem w 1927 r., aby upamiętnić rocznicę Madras Music Academy w grudniu każdego roku, został następnie przyjęty przez różne organizacje, które odbywały festiwale sztuki w różnych częściach miasta Tamilski miesiąc Margazhi Grudzień jest świętym miesiącem muzyki hinduskiej Indii Hinduskiej Muzyka karnawałowa, która ma swoje korzenie w oddaniu bogom, była tradycyjną formą kultu od niepamiętnych czasów Miasto żyje z festiwalem, który rozwinął się w kulturową ekstrawagancję z udziałem ponad 2000 artystów biorących udział w ponad 300 koncertach Festiwal znany również jako Grudzień Sezon przyciąga do Indii i uczonych z zagranicy z całego świata Wystąpienia obejmują muzykę wokalną i instrumentalną, taniec - solo i grupę, zarówno przez młodych, jak i starszych artystów Nawet przyszłych artystów mieć okazję do występu wraz z ugruntowanymi artystami W muzyce znajdują się klasyczne wersje wokalne w VA rytmiczne indiańskie indyjskie języki takie jak Tamil, Telugu i Kannada oraz instrumenty takie jak Flet, Veena duże instrumenty strunowe, Goottuvadyam podobne do Veena, ale bez frets, rury Nagaswaram, instrument perkusyjny Thavil, bęben Mridangam, a nawet Ghatam potok do błota Sezon trwa do w połowie stycznia, kiedy scena przeskakuje do Tiruvaiyaru, w pobliżu Tanjore, gdzie odbywa się Tydzień w Thyagaraja Aradhana, aby świętować narodziny jednego z największych kompozytorów karnawałowych i jednego z trinity muzyki - Thyagaraja Informacje o biletach i miejscach mogą być z biura turystycznego, Chennai Pogoda jest fajna i przyjemna w tej chwili w listopadzie-grudniu jest najlepszym sezonem do zwiedzania miasta Teraz muzyka w przemyśle filmowym stała się ważną platformą rozrywkową w Chennai, lata ilustrujące zmiany kulturowe, trendy, aspiracje i zmiany, jakie doświadczają jego ludzie. Dance - Chennai jest domem dla odrębnych form tańca - Bharat Natyam Bharatanatyam jest obchodem wiecznego wszechświata poprzez obchody piękna ciała. Dzieje się to dzięki jej założeniom mającemu doskonale postawioną postawę, prostą i żłobioną żołądek, dobrze zaokrągloną i proporcjonalną masą ciała - do Struktura ciała, bardzo długie włosy i zakrzywione biodra Te założenia wprowadzają do życia filozofię Natyashastra, Angikam bhuvanam yasya Ciało jest Twoim światem Jest to opracowane w postawie araimandi, w której wykonawca zakłada pół pozycji siedzącej z kolanami obróconymi w bok, bardzo prosta postawa W tej podstawowej postawie tańca Bharatanatyam dystans między głową a pępkiem staje się równy między ziemią a pępkiem W podobny sposób odległość między wyciągniętym prawym ramieniem a wyciągniętym lewym ramieniem staje się równa odległość pomiędzy głową a stopami, reprezentując Natyapurushę, ucieleśnienie życia i kreacji. Chennai jest Tropical. Chennai znajduje się w strefie Thermal Equator, która zapobiega skraplnym zmianom temperatury Chennai ma głównie dwa sezony - lato 35-42 C 95-108 F kwietnia-Jun Najwyższa temperatura kiedykolwiek rejestrowana wynosi 45 ° C 113 F w dniu 30 maja 2003 i monsun październik-grudzień Zdarza się niewielkie opady opadowe z południowo-zachodniego monsunu w okresie od czerwca do września, podczas gdy reszta Indii jest dotknięta ciężkimi deszczami, ale od października do grudnia wyładowuje się z północno-wschodniego monsunu, co wyniosło około 125-150 cm 49-59 na opadach deszczowych Deszcz spada zazwyczaj od października do grudnia i wysycha w ciągu tego lata zieleń zarośla z zielenią. Od lutego do lutego temperatura najmniejszego miesiąca - 19-28 C 66-82 F Od grudnia do marca jest prawdopodobnie najlepszy czas, aby odwiedzić Chennai temperatury rzadko przekraczają 30 C w południe i wieczory są pleasant. Climate jest wilgotna prawie cały rok, ponieważ miasto znajduje się na wybrzeżu lata są bardzo gorące i wilgotne upewnij się, że razem światło nie cienkie c ukochaną Zimową modę nigdy nie było w Chennai, nosząc sweter zostawi Cię zanurzony w potu w mniej niż pięć minut. Zaczynamy o Chennai. Madras odkryte, opowieści o starych i nowych Madrasach Madras 1992 S Muthiah. Madras jego przeszłości i jego Obecny 1995 przez S Muthiah. Madras jego wczoraj, dziś i jutro przez S Muthiah. At dom w Madras 1989 przez S Muthiah. Madras Następnie Chennai Teraz 2017 przez Nanditha Krishna i Tishani Doshi. Politics dziedzictwa z Madras do Chennai 2008 przez Mary E Hancock. Chennai 2000 Rina Kamath. Chennai Nie Madras Perspektywy na temat miasta 2006 przez Ira Venkatachalapathi. Historia Madras przez Glyn Barlow. Zespoły z działkami w Chennai. Kalyani s Husband przez SY Krishnaswamy. Chasing Rainbows w Chennai 2 2003 przez Colin Todhunter. Tamarind City 3 2017 przez Bishwanath Ghosh. In Old Madras 1913 przez Mary Bithia Croker. Tamil jest oficjalnym językiem w Chennai, a także pierwszym językiem większości mieszkańców Prawie wszyscy ludzie mówią Tamil, klasyczny język Picking znajomość języka lokalnego jest przydatna w Chennai, podobnie jak w każdym mieście na świecie. Jednak znajomość języka angielskiego jest wystarczająca dla przeciętnego gościa w mieście Edukacja w Anglii jest powszechna w Chennai Wszyscy wykształceni ludzie w Chennai mogą mówić po angielsku mało zrozumieć prostego języka angielskiego i mówić kilka słów Wszystkie ważne znaki są w języku angielskim Wszystkie transakcje z placówkami handlowymi są w języku angielskim Angielski akcent jest inny, istnieje tendencja do kończenia zdań i słów z - uh Eg I m going there-uh i zdania interrogacyjne z - ah Przykładem tam idziesz-ah. W przeciwieństwie do innych dużych miast w północnych Indiach hindi nie jest powszechnie rozumiany. W ostatnich latach znaczne zwiększenie liczby mówców języka hindi spowodowało, że większość mieszkańców będzie trudno zrozumieć, kiedy spróbuj rozmawiać z nimi w języku hindi Jesteś lepszy od mówienia po angielsku niż w Hindi w większości miast na południu, z wyjątkiem Bangalore i Hyderabad. Jaki rodzic w Chennai i jego przedmieściach spe ak język języka Tamil z charakterystycznym akcentem Ze względu na bliskość miasta do państwa Andhra Pradesh, gdzie językiem urzędowym jest Telugu i obecnością sporej liczby quasi telugu mówiących mieszkańców miasta, jest duże zapożyczenie słów Telugu do słownictwo z Chennai Tamil Chennai Tamil jest powszechnie znane jako Madras Bashai Inną cechą Chennai Tamil jest to, że słowa są wypowiadane szybko, być może w zgodzie z szybkim tempem życia w Chennai w porównaniu z resztą państwa Niemniej jednak, wszyscy wykształceni ludzie są uczeni standard Tamil w szkole, a standard Tamil nadal jest używany w bardziej formalnych ustawieniach, jak również w news. By samolotów edit. Chennai International Airport IATA MAA jest czwarty najbardziej ruchliwych w Indiach po Delhi, Bombaj i Bangalore Wszystkie loty międzynarodowe przyjeżdżają Anna Terminal, podczas gdy loty krajowe docierają do terminalu Kamraj Dwa terminale znajdują się na tej samej drodze i oddalone są o 150 m od siebie o 492 ft. Chennai jest dobrze w Londynie, Frankfurcie, Singapurze, Malezji, na Bliskim Wschodzie, w Nowym Jorku, w Hong Kongu itd. Jest on w trakcie modernizacji do światowego lotniska o bezpośrednim połączeniu metra z miastem. Europa i Ameryka Północna Lufthansa Frankfurt i British Airways London-Heathrow, latać bez przerwy do Chennai z połączenia z ich europejskich węzłów do punktów w Stanach Zjednoczonych i Kanadzie. South-East Asia Thai Airways oferuje nonstop usługi Bangkok Silk Air, Singapore Airlines i Tiger Airways łączy Cię do Singapuru wraz z wielu indyjskich przewoźników takich jak Indian Airlines i Air India Express AirAsia 4 łączy pasażerów do Kuala Lumpur, Penang z niedrogimi taryfami, podczas gdy linie Malaysia Airlines oferują usługi na czas nieokreślony do Indii Malezji. Sam Jet Airways leci bez przerwy zarówno do Kuala Lumpur, jak i do Singapuru Cathay Pacific, - stop do Hongkongu. Africa Air Mauritius pływa bez przerwy na Mauritius Air Austral leci bez przerwy dwa razy w tygodniu do Reunion Air Seychelles leci bez przerwy do Seyc helles. Middle East Nonstop są dostępne od Chennai do Abu Zabi Bahrajn Dubai Dammam Doha Jeddah Kuwejt Muscat Riyadh i Sharjah na Air Arabia, Indian Airlines, Air India Express, Oman Air, Emirates, Ethihad Airways, Kuwejt Airways, Qatar Airways, Arabii Saudyjskiej i Gulf Air. Sri Lanka Chennai jest centrum lotów do Colombo z Srilankan Airlines, Mihin Lanka tanie linie przewoźnika obsługiwane przez Srilankan Airlines, Jet Airways, Air India Express, SpiceJet Chennai jest centrum podróży Colombo. Domestic All the major Indyjscy przewoźnicy krajowi Jet Airways, Spice, Go Air, Indigo łączą Chennai z wieloma lotami do miejsc w Indiach i najbardziej używają Chennai jako węzła dla lotów do mniejszych miast w południowych Indiach Paramount Airways to niski koszt wszystkich linii lotniczych klasy biznesowej oferujących loty from Chennai to points in South India Chennai is also a staging point for flights to Port Blair in the Andaman Islands. Airport to City connection edit. The cheapest way to the city is by taking the suburban train into the city which only costs 5 0 08, 0 07 The suburban train connects you to Chennai Park and Egmore, the two main passenger train stations Note this train does not go through Chennai Central station but Chennai Park station is within the walking distance This is best if you don t have large amounts of baggage You have to exit the airport and walk a considerable distance.500m to reach the station Tirusulam Tickets bought don t have to be validated but save the ticket in case there is an inspection It is advisable to take a first class ticket in the train if you happen to reach the airport during peak hours The general compartments are often over-crowded as they transport regular commuters to work In peak hours even the first class compartments may also be crowded Tickets are priced around 70 1 27, 0 96.The Chennai metro is also now connected to the airport and the airport metro station is just outside the exit, after crossing the taxi parking Currently this blue li ne is operational only till Little Mount, halfway to the city center However, you can interchange at Alandur for the Green line, to go to either St Thomas mount railway station or CMBT, the state-run bus terminus of Chennai Otherwise, use the pre-paid taxi booth Aviation Express is massively overpriced. Using the pre-paid taxi to get to the city, each terminal has several booths for several taxi companies when you exit the airport, outside before you meet the crowd The fares are different for the domestic and international terminals though the terminals are next to each other You can either choose the standard Taxis Black with Yellow tops which are usually the ancient Ambassador cars or the private call-taxi which can come in any model and in any color As in any Indian airport, you will be immediately haggled for transportation with promised offerings of the best price A firm No should make them lose interest, ignore them if they continue harassing you It s better to keep small change i n hand while paying at the counters Note the taxi number written on your charge slip one copy is for the passenger and the other is for the driver to collect the fare from the counter Make your way to the taxi stand and get the taxi number allotted at the designated desk The helpful drivers offer to take your luggage and guide you to the taxi that drives up quickly near the allotment desk. Prepaid and yellow top taxis are not air-conditioned, are of vintages right from 70s and 80s, rickety, prone to stop midway, drivers exhibit rough behaviour, sometimes could be dangerous, demand exorbitant fares, pre-paid may mean nothing and they may demand more when you get down Keep away from these types Or know that you can always negotiate Typical ride into the central part of Chennai cost around Rs 300, to the farthest part of the city shouldn t cost more than Rs 1000.Online aggregator like Uber and Ola are pretty comfortable and safe The cars are new and air conditioned. By train edit. Chennai ha s two main long-distance train stations, Chennai Central code MAS and Chennai Egmore code MS Both are connected to the Airport by the Suburban rail and to the Bus Terminus by City buses Central has daily trains from to Bangalore Mumbai Coimbatore Delhi Hyderabad Kolkata Ahmedabad and virtually all other major Indian cities Egmore has trains which cover all the places in Tamil Nadu and also a few important places outside it. You can arrive at the prepaid taxi auto stand and book a cab to transport you to your place of stay. Many long distance trains to Egmore stop at Tambaram code TBM and some trains to Central stop at Perambur code are two railway stations which serve the suburban areas of Chennai. Trains that connect Chennai to major hubs like Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi are usually booked out days in advance If you plan to travel by train, consider making an advance reservation, the reservation opens 60 days before the day of travel The AC compartments in the trains are preferable for n ew travelers as the sleeper class and sitting class compartments are generally very crowded A 3-tier AC berth from Chennai to Bangalore or Coimbatore costs around 700 and that to Delhi around 2500 including meals. Chennai has one of Asia s largest bus stations, Chennai Mofussil Bus Terminus CMBT Seven different state owned corporations drive buses to and from various destinations within South India Connected to the Airport and the passenger train stations Chennai Central and Egmore by direct buses, it offers a cheap and spontaneous mode of travel There are hourly buses for places like Tirupati Pondicherry Coimbatore, Tirunelveli You will get the option of A C or Non-A C coaches for cities like Bangalore Trivandrum Hyderabad. Several private players also operate buses between most southern destinations During the weekends most buses are fully occupied and it s better to reserve a ticket in advance All buses terminate near Koyambedu but there are different stands for state owned CMBT - Che nnai Mofussil Bus Terminus , and private buses Omni bus terminus Both these terminus are near each other, and it is better to tell your exact destination to the taxi auto-rickshaw driver Buses usually drop passengers at various points in the city before reaching the Terminus Feel free to ask the driver or fellow passengers the closest drop-off point to your destination Always ask for the ticket and carry it until the end of your journey Conning is very rare. Once in the city, it s easy to get overcharged if you try to hire auto-rickshaws to get to your destination While the law requires drivers to use meters, enforcement isn t very effective It would be more comfortable and hassle free to hire a cab for the duration of your stay, or figure out the city bus routes and the suburban trains schedule. Chennai is very well connected and to other parts of India by road Five major national highways radiate outward towards Kolkata, Bengaluru, Tiruchy Madurai Tiruvallur and Pondicherry With the pr ogress of the Golden Quadrilateral project, driving down from Bangalore is an option too Indian drivers will have no problem fitting into the traffic but international drivers are strongly advised against driving in India Rules are not really rules and lane switchings happen without any notice. Get around edit. Getting around the heart of Chennai city often takes time, due to traffic and heavy congestion, more so because of construction work in progress for Chennai Metro So it is advisable to plan your journey accordingly Travelling within Chennai is not so cheap by Indian metropolitan standards, and are quite cheap by European and USA standards As for foreigners, it is safe to wear a mask during traveling by motorcycles as pollution is bit of a concern. By train edit. Chennai has a suburban train 5 network There are four routes. Western Line Chennai Central - Arakkonam. North Line Chennai Central - Gummidipoondi-Sulurpet-Nellore. South Line Chennai Beach - Tambaram and Chengalpet. MRTS Line C hennai Beach - Velachery MRTS. Few trains on Western and North Line originate from Chennai Beach instead of Chennai Central The Chennai Beach - Tambaram Chengalpet is the most used line, it takes you from the city to Vandalur Zoo for a getaway The suburban trains are generally reliable and fast but they were built more for practical purposes of commuting than connecting tourist attractions Unless you know your destination for sure, check with locals or information desks for the quickest way to reach your destination The frequency of suburban trains is generally good and it is advisable to take a first class ticket during peak hours Trains offer a reliable alternative to quickly reach your destination when compared to buses which might get trapped in traffic jams The fare in Chennai suburban trains is the lowest in the country and you don t have to compromise comfort for the meagre amount that you pay as in other Indian metros The lowest second class train fare is Rs 5 - Always keep your baggage safe when you are travelling in the suburban railway system Chennai Central hub for north and west suburban lines is opposite to Park Town MRTS line and Park South Suburban line - These 3 stations make an interchange trio - the highest interchange between suburban lines happens in this zone. Metropolitan Transport Corporation MTC buses ply throughout the city accessing areas which are not accessed by the suburban trains These are government-run and extremely cheap. Chennai has few major termini from where the majority of the buses ply towards the rest of the city. Normally Bus Fare in MTC range from 3 - 50 Deluxe and A C Buses are also operated on major routes Fare for deluxe bus is almost two times as compared to normal bus For same route, deluxe and normal bus have same number but deluxe buses are being run targeting long distance journey since it will stop at major bus stops only So if you find normal buses too crowded, take a deluxe one Non AC deluxe also have power gates and better suspension which you wont find in normal bus If you have luggage with you, you might have to pay the cost of an extra person depending upon its size A simple way of identifying the category of the bus is this White Display Board - Standard Service, green display board-Express, Blue or LED - Deluxe Service, A C Service - 2 door, low floor volvo bus. AC bus run by MTC chennai which run between important routes like Parrys - Tambaram, Parrys - CMBT, Chennai Central - CMBT, Chennai central - Tambaram, CMBT - Kelambakkam Sirusery, - Kanchipuram, etc Most frequent AC bus runs between CMBT towards Pondicherry and are known as East coast road ECR buses and Old Mahabalipuram Road OMR and is very comfortable for intracity travel too. If you are getting into a bus from Chennai central railway station you can either catch a bus just in front of railway station or you can take the subway to cross the road and get it from the bus stop in front of government hospital. Bus Route information for MTC Chennai is available online at official site 6 While official site only provides stage wise info, others have more interactive interface which can ease your life specially if you are new to the city. Daily and weekly bus passes are available for tourists costing 50 or 300 They can be used on normal and deluxe bus services on all routes within the city It is worthwhile to purchase the daily pass if you plan to visit more than a couple of sights in a day and it will save you from the trouble to maintain loose change The daily pass can be purchased on the first bus you board from the conductor, while the weekly and monthly passes are sold at all major terminus Recently a hop-on hop-off tour bus has also been organized by the Government The service covers many of the famous sights along the scenic East Coast Road up to Mahabalipuram. By auto-rickshaw edit. Police demand auto-rickshaw Tuk-tuk drivers in Chennai to use meter In fact many of them try to avoid using meter some try to overcharge a nd often drive rashly, but that s part of the fun of being in Chennai They are happy to exploit foreigners and locals alike The advantage of being a local is that you know when you re being fleeced, and so you ll know when to walk away and find another auto. The advise is to use auto-rickshaws with meters only Roughly 50-60 of drivers do use meters So, If a particular driver doesn t agree - just go away and find another one Move 100 m away from malls where touts concentrate You will definitely succeed to catch a metered auto within 5-10 during day time Maybe the driver will ask Rs 10 or Rs 20 extra Usually Rs 10 is enough. The rates for auto-rickshaws in Chennai are the following July 2017.Rs 25 - for 1 8KM. For next every 1 km - Rs 12.Waiting charges for every 5 minutes - Rs 3 5 and Rs 42 Hour. Night time 11 PM hrs to 5 AM - 50 extra of the day time charge. Otherwise you can discuss the price with the driver Often they tell 2-3 times bigger charge Even so, by Western standards, they are di rt cheap You ll have no problem once the fare has been agreed and for short trips the Auto is a must. The upside is that autos are ubiquitous and possibly the easiest form of transportation to locate Use Auto-rickshaws only for short distances because they are uncomfortable. Try to find a rickshaw with a working meter. Don t take the first auto or take the first price, take a least quote and go to the second or third. Never leave anything behind when you leave. Negotiate a rate with the driver beforehand if he doesn t agree, just go to the next auto on the road there will always be others unless it s very late or very early or you are in a remote area then be prepared to pay up Stick to the agreed price, though on many occasions the driver may attempt to ask for more. Consult local friends beforehand to find out reasonable market prices for the distance you intend to go. Try to hail individual auto rickshaws in traffic which are heading in the general direction of your destination rather than hiring one parked in their stand as they may gang up to you. As a general rule, expect to pay about 10 to 15 for every kilometer 0 6 mi you travel. You don t have to pay for any empty return trips that the auto-rickshaw driver has to make once you have agreed upon a fare. You tell them to go to a landmark near where you want to go, and upon reaching the landmark, ask them to go a little further along a particular road to your destination They might cite the extra distance travelled and ask for more money So it is better to negotiate the fare upfront. If you pay them for petrol, make sure you pay them the remaining fare amount after subtracting petrol charges. Sometimes Airports and Railway Stations have a tariff chart. Share autos have emerged in the recent years as an alternative mode of transport in Chennai They are over-sized three four wheelers charge slightly more than the bus but way lesser than a regular auto Likewise they are faster than the buses but slower than the autos There are four wheelers known as meter taxis which don t have a meter and are not taxis They supplement the existing bus services and sometimes operate on routes based on popular demand. On a side note - if you are fascinated by the idea of going around in an auto, think about all those foreigners, who are riding an auto from Chennai to Mumbai A Chennai based event management company, Chennai Event Management Services, has been having these auto-rickshaw rallies from Chennai to Mumbai, or Kanyakumari, etc and has developed a great fan following for the same. By taxi edit. Taxis locally called call-taxis since they must be pre-arranged can be booked using phone or internet Since there are so many listed in the phone book already and they are mostly reliable we don t list any They can be ordered air-conditioned and have digital fare meters, although time-based hire is also possible with some companies Most companies charge a minimum fare of 100 - Non-AC 150 - AC , which is for 4km 2 4 mile and for e very subsequent kilometer they might charge 12 - or 13 - depending upon the car model that you choose. Like in other major Indian cities, Uber and its local competitor Ola have pretty much run to the ground the traditional call taxis These cabs are a boon to a city known for its avaricious and rude autorickshaw drivers, and are probably the best way to get around as a tourist. Alternatively, you can hire a cab for limited time or full-day for your travel reasons within the city for charges ranging between 1200 to 3000 depending upon the car model you choose and the time-duration for which you use the cab If your trip is time-sensitive, it is recommended that you make the booking about 4 hours in advance and call shortly before your journey to confirm However, there is every possibility of you not getting one in spite of advance booking as they book without any planning and ditch the customers at the last minute A proper system of confirmed allotment at least 45 min prior to the scheduled time like in Delhi other cities is what is required in Chennai Other car rental companies available in chennai include GetMeCab 7 BookCab, Clear Car Rental, Cabs24x7, Avis, Chennai Cabs and Hertz etc. It is generally not advisable for foreign travelers to drive on their own as they might be unaware of the traffic rules and congestion in the city Negotiating the Indian traffic is not a part of standard driving lessons and can only be mastered by experience The roads in Chennai are better maintained than the average Indian road Rush hour traffic may result in nasty jams Chennai has three arterial roads Anna Salai Mount Road, EVR Periyar Salai Poonamallee High Road, Jawaharlal Nehru Salai 100 feet Road. If you choose to rent a car, it s highly advisable to hire a driver as well Typical driver fee comes to around 250 - for 4-hour shift and an additional 50 every hour thereafter 8 Outstation trips cost a driver fee of 750 for a 12 hour journey. Foreign travelers should keep in mind that both di esel and petrol are used as fuel in India and it varies with the model of the car Some cars have identical models with only a D badge to indicate diesel Make sure you find out what type of fuel the car uses from the rental company. See edit add listing. Restaurants, watering holes and discotheques have been opening with increasing frequency and while the absolute numbers aren t much, they re more experimental than most Indian metros While in Chennai one can drop into one of the following places. Georgetown in the north of the city is considered the oldest neighbourhood and is associated with the nearby port The whole area is an intense experience and a hive of commercial activity Not too many tourists visit this part of the city, which is unfortunate because if Chennai s heart is to be found anywhere, it is here This is where the Sowcarpet area is located, in addition to one of the city s most famous thoroughfares, Mint Street. Beaches edit. Chennai Marina Beach. Beach Watch Note Although Ch ennai beaches are both beautiful and inviting, they are not swimming beaches due to strong under currents present along the shoreline Swimming should not be attempted there There are no lifeguards and rescue equipment is not provided at any of these beaches However there are beach police who ride on horses and keep an eye on the people and look out for any trouble People should avoid wearing swimwear or similar attire in the city beaches as such clothing is not appropriate there and will attract stares. Chennai has several well known beaches. Marina Beach is 12 km long and offers excellent opportunities for walks and has a very wide sandy foreshore Its width is up to 300 m 985 ft The Marina of Madras is the second longest urban beach in the world Along the shore, there are many buildings built during the British colonial rule The South Beach Road runs past the Madras University, the Senate House, the Chepauk Palace Nawabs of Carnatica once held their court here It is the most popular gat hering place for locals, especially in the evenings and on weekends It can also get very crowded at those times The beach is relatively less crowded in the early mornings and more pleasant Walk along the Marina in the evening to cool off and eat crispy sundal boilt, spiced lentils , freshly caught fish and Murukku a type of dry noodles Watching the sunrise from the beach is an experience by itself It s not a swimming beach, though you will see people fully clothed taking partial dips. Breezy Beach - Valmiki Nagar Thiruvanmiyur. Edward Elliot s beach is spread along the coast down south from Marina It is also the night beach for Chennai youth This beach is comparatively quieter and it is located near Besant Nagar At the end of this beach are the Velankanni church and the Ashtalakshmi temple Good roads, pavements, walking track illuminated sands, makes a visit to this beach a real pleasure It can get really crowded during the weekends as well. Breezy Beach is located in the quiet neighborhoo d of Valmiki Nagar Thiruvanmiyur in Chennai It is smaller and less popular than the Elliot s beach This beach is not as commercialized as the Elliot s beach, and is hence more quiet and peaceful Evenings are very pleasant and with gentle breezy here, Lots of tourists are attracted towards this beach Since the residential area around this beach is occupied predominantly by young professionals working in the IT ITES industries, this beach has turned into a hot-spot for them It is less polluted and environment friendly Those who look for a calm, cool and breezy place to relax, this beach is the best place in Chennai. Historical Places edit. Temples edit. Entry into the sanctum-sanctorum the innermost part of the temple of old temples maybe sometimes be restricted to foreigners because of the traditional beliefs that only a Hindu can enter the temples In rare instances, it is forcefully enforced The best thing to do in such situations is to explore the surrounding structures which are equally fascinating. Kapaleeswarar Temple Kapaleeshwara , Mylapore, 9 One of Chennai s oldest and best-known temples, said to date to the 8th century, although the present structure dates to the 1600s Notable above all for its soaring, incredibly detailed 37m gopuram entrance gate There is a large water tank behind the temple, used for the Thaipusam festival Jan-Feb , and plenty of flower shops all around Within easy striking distance of the city centre The temple also has an Arubathu Moovar festival in Mar and is known for the crowds and color. Karaneeswarar Temple is a Hindu temple located in the neighborhood of Saidapet in Chennai, India It is dedicated to the god temple is located next to the Saidapet Railway station This temple has a 7-storied Gopuram with two prakarams closed precincts of a temple The main deity is Lord Karaneeswara Shiva and Goddess Swarnaambikai Sakthi It is believed that Lord Indra had come here to worship Lord Shiva to cure his curse Special worships are done to Shiva on Pradosham days This temple has a beautiful tank The temple is heavily crowded on Pradhosham days Annual ten day Brahmotsavam takes place in the Tamil month of Chithirai During Chitirai thirvizha, people visit the temple in huge numbers and there will be a daily spiritual talk on Thiruvasagam about Lord shiva. The Parthasarathy Temple 10 at Tiruvallikkeni Triplicane as the Britishers called it, is considered be the oldest temple in the Chennai and origins date back to the 8th century AD, the reference of which has been made in the Vaishnavite works of the Alwar saints The existence of the Tiruvallikkeni village in referred in the Pallava records and before The temple derived its name from the pond in front of the temple It was originally built by the Pallavas The temple was renovated by later dynasties, the Chola and the Vijayanagar kingdom The Temple is dedicated to Lord Krishna The name Parthasarathy has been derived from two Sanskrit words Partha and Sarathy The former word refers to Arjuna and the later means Charioteer Its architecture is a combination of several temple building styles There are inscriptions of the Pallavas, Cholas and the Vijayanagar kingdom on the temple structure The temple besides being dedicated to Parthasarathy is also revered for Venkatakrishnaswami and to Ranganathar The temple, when it was built, housed five avataras of the deity Vishnu The structure, as it stands today, houses the shrines of popular deities like Venkatakrishnan with Rukmani, Balaraman, Satyaki, Anirudha, Pradyumna, Rama, Lakshmana, Barata, Sita, Shatrugna, Varadaraja and Hanuman. Sri Ramakrishna Math - Universal Temple. Sri RamakrishnaMath - Universal Temple 11 31 Ramakrishna Math Rd, Mylapore Swami Vivekananda on his return from the west was requested by the devotees in Madras now Chennai to start a Math here To fulfill their desire Swamiji sent his brother-disciple Swami Ramakrishnananda to Madras in March 1897 After reaching Madras, the first thing Swami Ramakrishnan anda did was to set up a small shrine for Sri Ramakrishna at a rented house He lived there and led a life of renunciation, service and austerities Slowly he built up the institution as the present Sri Ramakrishna Math and thus Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, came into existence This is the oldest centre of the Ramakrishna Order in the South Srimat Swami Bhuteshanandaji Maharaj, the 12th President of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, laid the foundation-stone for this Universal Temple on 1 December 1994 in a grand function It took five years for the project to take shape as the present grand Universal Temple On 7 Feb 2000 the temple was dedicated by Srimat Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj, the 13th President of the Ramakrishna Order Sri Ramakrishna Math completed hundred years of its service in 1997 The Math is regarded for its spiritual traditions, modern outlook, acceptance of all religions, service as the way of life With its lushy green surroundings, the Universal Temple is the ideal spot for contemplation and meditation 5AM-11 45AM and 3PM-9PM Tele 91 044 2462110 Email Web presence. Kundrathur sivan temple vada thirunageshvaram , Kundrathur Kundrathur bus depot Sekkizhar built this 1000 year old temple edit. Kumaran Kundram The Deity of Lord Murugan in Kumaran Kundram is considered to be equivalent to the one in Swamimalai , Very near MIT Fly over small hillock at Kumaran Kundram near by Madras Institute of Technology edit. Churches edit. Basilica of the National Shrine of. Basilica of the National Shrine of Santhome High Rd 91 44 24985455, 91 44 24980758 , 12 5 AM-9PM daily In the whole world, there are only three churches built over the tomb of an Apostle of Jesus Christ - the Basilica of Saint Peter built over the tomb of in Rome, Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela built over the tomb of in Spain and Basilica of the National Shrine of built over the tomb of Basilica of the National Shrine of is in Chennai, India The present National Shrine of is built over th e tomb of Saint Thomas the Apostle, who came to India in the year 52 AD After preaching on the West coast, he came to Chennai formerly Madras , and attained martyrdom on a hill at the outskirts of the city, today known as St Thomas Mount His body was buried on the spot over which the present Basilica stands The shrine was restored in 2004 A valuable work of art kept in the Basilica is an ancient painting of Our Blessed Mother, in front of which the other great apostle of India, St Francis Xavier, used to pray There are two new structures today The Tomb Chapel below the Basilica and Museum cum theatre The new underground chapel with a separate access outside the church structure, allows pilgrims to pray at the tomb and tourists to visit it, without disturbing the sacred functions in the church The museum exhibits artifacts connected with St Thomas and the Basilica, and the theatre is used for screening a short video on the life of the Apostle edit. St Mary s Church. St Mary s Church, situ ated in the fort, is one of the oldest surviving churches built by the British in India This is the first English church in India and the oldest Anglican church in the by William Dixon, the then Master Gunner of the Fort, it was constructed under the supervision of the Governor Streynsham Master Given the precarious nature of the English presence in India at the time not to mention later attacks by the French and the locals , the church has a defensive stance - thick walls, castellated parapets and a well within the grounds - to withstand any bombardment or siege The church was consecrated on 28 October 1680 The tower was completed in 1701 the steeple added in 1710 and the tower was connected to the main body of the church in 1759 Robert Clive - more famous as Clive of India - married Margaret Maskelyne here in 1753 The first but equally famous wedding was that of Governor Elihu Yale who was to become the benefactor of Yale College to Catherine Himmers in November 1680 The interior of th e church contains many fascinating plaques and monuments to early British India evoking past glories and lives full of achievement It also contains the old colours of the Madras Fusiliers, the first European regiment of the East India Company The glass windows, wall frescos, teak plaques from the colonial times are still preserved 10AM-5PM daily except closed on F. St Thomas Mount. St Thomas Mount Chennai South referred to as Didymus, in the Gospel of is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ He is one of the prime witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus St Thomas Mount is associated with St Thomas, the apostle of Christ, who is believed to have been martyred here The mount is commonly called in Tamil Parangi Malai or Bhringi says 2000 years ago, a saint Parangi lived here parangi in Tamil language is used to refer to a white person According to local myth, St Thomas was one of the first Christians to reach India and to preach Christianity He is believed to have reached South India i n AD 52, and spent the last years of his life in a cave on this hill Tradition states that Thomas was assassinated by an arrow in AD 72, by persons hostile to him Thus, the hillock acquired the name St Thomas Mount Over time Anglo-Indians predominated in this area A small relic-filled Church built in 1523 at the summit of the 300 feet high St Thomas Mount The place was visited by Pope John Paul II during his visit to India on 5 February 1986 At the northern foot of the mount, is a gateway of four impressive arches surmounted by a cross bearing the inscribed date 1547 A flight of 160 steps leads up to the summit of the mount There are fourteen stations of the cross erected on the way to the summit. The Tamil Baptist Church in Kilpauk is worth a visit It is a 107 year old monument. Lutheran Adaikalnathar Church TELC Tana Street Protestant Church which is more than 100 years old edit. St Matthias Church Vepery One of the oldest churches in Chennai which was built by the British Its also has a Anglo-Indian higher secondary school in the campus which has both boys and girls studying in the school and it s famous for Producing High Standard Students with Capability of Speaking English as native speakers of the Language edit. Mosques edit. Big Mosque also known as Wallajah Mosque. Big Mosque also known as Wallajah Mosque, is situated at Walajah Road in Triplicane, Chennai is a historical landmark constructed by Wallajah family in memory of Nawab Muhammad Ali Walajah, in 1795 It is an imposing structure of symmetry and form of architectural magnificence with an imposing facade The Mosque stands in extensive grounds, which are being used as a forum for religious and cultural activities The magnificent grey granite structure is built without steel and wood This architectural marvel is one of the important mosques in Chennai The Nawab s descendants are still living in a mansion known as Amir Mahal One distinctive feature of this mosque is that the chronogram engraved in stone and fi xed on the inside of the western wall of the mosque is by a non-Muslim, Rajah Makkan Lal Khirad , a Persian and Arabic scholar of repute, who was the private secretary to the Nawab It may be mentioned in this regard that, as far as is known, no other mosque in the world has a chronogram composed by a non-Muslim The Mosque has two minarets at the front The Eid Prayer timing remains the same, 10AM, since 1749 A D Adjoining the Wallajah Mosque is the tomb of the great Islamic saint Maulana Abdul Ali Bahrul Uloom, a divine scholar of the days of the Nawab Wallajah In this enclosure also are the tombs of the late Nawabs of the Carnatic, the Princess of Arcot and other eminent Muslim scholars and theologians Wallajah Mosque can be reached either from Ellis Rd backside or the Triplicane High Rd. Memorials edit. Valluvar Kottam Valluvar Kottam High Rd, Nungambakkam, Chennai Valluvar Kottam marks the memorial of one of the renowned poet and saint of the region, Tiruvalluvar The memorial is shaped like a temple chariot and is, in fact, the replica of the temple chariot in Thiruvarur There is a 101-feet high temple chariot structure with a life-size image of the poet in it This chariot is a replica of the temple car of Thiruvarur in Tamil Nadu The monument stands as a massive auditorium and was open to public in the year 1976 Over 3,000 blocks of stone were used to create this memorial to Tamil culture Valluvar Kottam has quite an extensive space The auditorium at Valluvar Kottam is said to be the largest in Asia and can accommodate about 4000 people The auditorium is surrounded by granite pillars that have the inscriptions taken from the famous work of the poet The epic Tiruvalluvar, written by the poet consists of 1330 verses, all of which are inscribed on the granite pillar The 133 chapters of his famous work Thirukkural have been depicted in bas-relief in the front hall corridors of the chariot It stands as a modern memorial to the great poet who represents the glorious cult ure of the Tamils. Monuments edit. Fort St George formerly known as White Town , is located on the banks of the Bay of Bengal It was established as the East India Company s fortified foothold in Madras and it was from this small trading post or factory as it was then known that British influence spread throughout India The establishment of Fort St George marked the birth of the new city that is Madras, in the year 1640 The fort was named after St George who is believed to have preached in the region The British East India Company, after buying the land from the Nayak of Vandavasi in 1639 led the establishment of what was called the Madrasemen the permanent settlement of the company One year later they built the fort as a commanding post in the region With the increased trade activities of the East India Company the region soon developed into a popular trade and commerce centre The British enjoyed supremacy in the region until 1746, when the French attacked the fort and captured it After three years, in 1749 the British regained power by signing a treaty with the French In the meantime they fortified the base in order to repel the invasion of Hyder Ali and the French The fort is believed to be the first establishment of the British in India The military architecture is interesting and holds great historical importance Inside the Fort is the Fort Museum 13 decorated with cannons of Tipu Sultan There are a lot of interesting artifacts showcased in the museum Apart from the museum, the southern division of the Archaeological Survey of India is located here Today, Fort St George is famous for its exotic collection of books in the library and housing the legislative assembly in the secretariat building The fort in its present form looks more like a mansion, rather any fort Various Government offices function inside this building, including the structure which used to be the residence of Robert Clive called the Clive House St Mary s Church, situated in the fort, is one of th e oldest surviving churches built by the British in India The tallest flag pole in the country can be seen here, its height is 150 feet The pole is now made of metal but was originally made entirely of teak wood Sa-Th 10 00-17 00 Fort Museum Children 15 yr free, Indian Adults 5, Foreign Adults 100.The Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India Freemasons Hall is located at 87, Ethiraj Salai, Egmore It was constructed in 1923 for the troops The architecture is classical Greek style and houses a lodge room on the first floor where Masonic meetings are held M-F 10 00-17 00 and Sa 10 00-14 00.Museums and Art Galleries edit. Government Museum 14 Pantheon Rd, Egmore Established in 1857, the Government Museum of Chennai is one of the popular tourist destinations in the city It is a multi-purpose State Government Museum located in Egmore, which is in the heart of the city, spreading over an area of 16 25 acres of land Six independent buildings in this Museum campus has 46 galleries There is an Arch aeology Section, Zoology Section, Botany Section, Geology Section, Numismatics Section, Bronze Gallery Children s museum, Art gallery and various other interesting sections and galleries It is considered to be one of the oldest museums of India, since its inception dates back to the Colonial rule There is history behind the origin of this Museum In 1846 AD, the Madras Literary Society debated the proposal of establishing a museum in the then Madras The proposal was approved by the Court of Directors of the East India Company in London Chennai Government Museum was handed down with a sprawling complex and the presently maintained by the State Government The Museum was formally inaugurated on December 5, 1896 by the Sir Arthur Eli bank Havelock, the then Governor He named it after the former Governor, Lord Connenmara The museum was designed by H Irvin, the consulting architect of the Government of Madras The Government Museum has a splendid hall, marvelous reading room and striking Teak wood shelf and stands divided into a number of sections Note that parts of the museum are often closed Phone 91 44 2819-3238, 09 30-17 00 except holidays A free guide service is available at 11 00 and 15 00.National Art Gallery The building of National Arts Gallery was built in the year 1907 This magnificent red sandstone building was designed by Henry Irwin and built by T Namberumal Chetty The building represents a typical Indo-Saracenic structure and was initially famous as the Victoria Memorial Hall Built with sandstone and adorned with motifs, the building bears impressions of Mughal architecture It is this architecture, not just the gallery collections that make it worth a visit The gallery exhibits medieval handicrafts, sculptures, metal ware and paintings belonging to various schools of art and eras The gallery s collections are displayed in four different sections Tanjore Painting Gallery, Decorative Art Gallery, Indian Traditional Art Gallery and Ravi Varma Painting Gallery Th e Tanjore paintings on glass are wonderful The miniature paintings from Rajput and Mughal eras are fascinating too The handicrafts that are displayed belong to the 11th and 12th century Indian handicraft period The top floor, closed in May 2011, offered additional galleries Sa-Th 09 30-17 00 except national holidays 91 44 2819-3238.The Birla Planetarium. The Birla Planetarium at Kotturpuram, between Adyar and Guindy, is the most modern planetarium in the country Adjoining the planetarium is a Periyar Science and Technology Museum which will be of interest to students and other science scholars Built in memory of B M Birla, the well known industrialist and visionary, the Planetarium is considered to be the most modern in the country Location Tamil Nadu Science Technology Centre, Gandhi Mandapam Rd Behind CLRI Tele 91 44 2441-0025 6751 5250 The Science and Technology Centre is open daily except national holidays Programmes at 10 45-13 45 and 15 45 In English at Noon, Tamil 14 30.Miscellan eous edit. Integral Coach Factory 15 Check the website for directions as the the auto-rickshaw drivers have never heard of it. Zoological gardens and eco parks edit. Arinjar Anna Zoological Park. Arinjar Anna Zoological Park The Vandalur Zoo , 91 044 22751089 fax 91 044 22750741 , 16 9AM-6PM daily except Tu Started in People s Park in 1855, the Madras zoological gardens later renamed as Arignar Anna Zoological Park after C N Annadurai, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu state from 1967 to 1969 was moved to Vandalur a former game reserve frequented by governors of colonial Madras on the outskirts of Chennai city in 1985 owing to lack of space in the congested heart of the city Today, the zoo is one of the biggest in South Asia housing more than 170 species of mammals, birds and reptiles Lion safari vehicles, elephant rides, battery operated vehicles are some of the facilities available The peak time is during Pongal and weekend holidays The animals are usually housed in their natural settings edi t. Guindy National Park. Guindy National Park Sardar Vallabhai Patel Rd, Adyar, Guindy M-F 9AM-5 30PM except Tu The current park area stands close to 280 hectares Guindy Park happens to be almost certainly the smallest national park in the country and the only park within the city suburbs of India The park is inhabited by more than 20 species of trees, about 14 varieties of shrubs and more than 14 species of woodland mammals. Guindy National Park. The place also houses many species of rare birds and amphibians The dry deciduous forests of Guindy are lined with tree species like Amona Squamosa, Atlanta Monophylla, Feronia Limonia and Azadirachta India The popular park animals include species like Indian Antelope Black Buck , Elephant, Spotted Deer, Indian Civet, Jungle Cat, Hedgehog, Pangolin and Jackal Some rare bird species found in the park include Black Winged Kite, Honey Buzzard, and Pariah Kite The park is also home to many reptile and amphibian species JULY 2017 only childrens park a nd snake park open Visits to the National park proper are only allowed with park ranger and the gate is locked Rs 15, Free below 10 years, 11 to above Rs 5, School Children age 5-12 from government and aided schools Rs 2, children from private schools age 5-12 Rs 10, still camera Rs 10, video camera Rs 75 edit. Guindy Snake Park next to Guindy National Park M-F 8 30AM-5 30PM except Tu Founded by one of the prominent wildlife conservationist Romulus Whitaker The park houses a number of snake species, lizards, crocodiles and turtles The park breeds more than 30 species of Indian snakes Some of the most sought after species include King Cobra, Indian Rock Python, Reticulated Python, Adders and Vipers In addition to the snakes the park also breeds species of lizards, crocodiles and turtles The museum in the park premises contains preserved specimens of many reptiles and amphibians edit. Tholkappiar Poonga Adyar Eco Park , 6 103, Dr D G S Dinakaran Salai, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai - 600 02 8 91 44 2461 4523 fax 91 44 2461 4524 , 17 2 30PM-4 30PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This park maintained by the Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust is the only prominent eco park located within Chennai city limits Measuring a total of 358 acres, the park covers the estuary of the Adyar river known for its fragile ecosystem The estuary was restored in various phases starting from 2003 and recently opened for guided public tours However, prior online booking is necessary in order to visit the park through the Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust website A maximum of 20 visitors are allowed each day. The eco park is popular among bird-watchers as various species of pelicans, herons, storks and butterflies are found here The park areas houses about 172 endemic species of flowering plants Sculptures of dinosaurs and various animals carved out of naturally available stone are found within the park. Rs 20, Children below 12 years Rs 5 edit. Protected areas edit. Pallikaranai wetland is a freshwater swamp in the south of the city 18 Being able to retain water throughout the year, it forms an aquatic ecosystem The marsh acts as a home for many endangered and as a breeding ground for thousands of migratory birds which makes it an ideal place for bird watching A conservation project is afoot to spruce up the area and build an observation center for visitor s convenience There have been walks conducted in the marsh by the societies like Madras Naturalists Society 19 Contact them to find out about their events. Nanmangalam Reserve Forest is a protected area between Velachery and Tambaram According to reports, it is home to 85 different species of birds and some rare territorial orchids Similar to the above marsh, there are no regularly conducted walks, but some photography societies and nature societies organise walks once in a while. Do edit add listing. Visit the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society situated at Adyar in the southern part of Chennai The Adyar Library 20 situ ated in the society s campus has one the largest collection of Tibetan manuscripts with over 20,000 palm leaf folios For nature-lovers, a stroll through the vast and biologically rich Theosophical Society Gardens is a must One of the curiosities is a 450-year old banyan tree. Go for a ride along Kamarajar Salai a promenade on the sea front The road is dotted with some of the finest specimens of Indo-Saracenic and art deco architecture such as the University of Madras buildings, Chepauk Palace, Vivekanandar Illam, Queen Mary s College, Presidency College and the Chennai police headquarters Among other buildings are the MGR memorial and Anna Samadhi, Gandhi statue and statues of poet Subrahmanya Bharathi, G U Pope and Bishop Robert Caldwell. Food Tours edit. Chennai Food Tours Blaffer Food Tours , IIT Madras, Adyar Directions depend on the tour location, and are mailed prior to the tour , 91-8056202141 , 21 Every weekend Can be contacted for custom trips if visiting on a non-tour day South India has contributed numerous dishes to the world Therefore it is imperative to explore Chennai - the hub of South India - through the gastronomic lens Chennai Food Tours offer a number of tours - street food, food history tour very unique , kebab tour - all with the mindset of exploring Do not leave Chennai without going to this tour edit. Eco Tours edit. Nizhal Tree Walks Ashok Nagar, Chennai 98841-14721 , 22 Nizhal has 3 series of walks - the Margazhi walks in December January, the Chithirai walks in April and the Madras day walks in August Nizhal has conducted tree walks to acquaint citizens with the trees around them Through its tree walks Nizhal has hoped to sensitize citizens to the role played by trees in the environment, the challenges they face and how they can be protected Walks have also served as forums where tree lovers can network with each other edit. The Chennai Trekking Club CTC 23 organizes weekend treks and getaways A lot of cleaning operations, blood donation and phot ography camps are also organized by CTC Membership is free and costs are shared equally. Events edit. Madras Music Season 24 Organized in December-January every year in an unbroken sequence since 1928, the Madras Music Season is the most important cultural event in the Chennai calendar The season features Carnatic music concerts, dance programmes, operas, plays and magic shows. Chennai Book Fair 25 Held usually for two weeks in December-January every year since 1977, the Chennai Book Fair is the second largest book fair in the country after the Delhi Book Fair The 2017, 2017 and 2017 editions had more than 700 stalls and over one million visitors Organized by the Booksellers and Publishers Association of South India BAPASI , many important publishers in India participate in the fair Debates, prize distributions, lectures and film screenings are also held at the venue. Madras Day or Madras Week 26 The Madras Day or Madras Week celebrations are held in August every year to commemorate the pu rchase of the village of Madrasapatnam by East India Company factors Andre Cogan and Francis Day on August 22, 1639 The celebrations usually comprise of heritage walks, exhibitions, lectures, nature and tree walks, book and postage cover releases and film screenings Though the celebrations typically last a week, the 2017 and 2017 editions extended through August and into September as well. The Hindu Lit for Life 27 Held during the Pongal festival 2nd week of January every year since 2010, The Hindu Lit for Life is an international literary festival organized by The Hindu group of newspapers The festival typically comprises of group discussions and lectures and The Hindu Lit for Life award is given at the end of each festival. Music and Dance edit. Chennai has a lot of Carnatic music Sabhas loosely translates to concert house where concerts are held during the Madras Music season You will see mostly older celebrities, although occasionally there will be some world-class young virtuosos. The Music Academy 28 No 168, T T K Road, Chennai - 600 014 Phone 91-44-2811 2231 91-44-2811 5162, Email. Sir Mutha Venkatasubba Rao Concert Hall 29 Madras Seva Sadan, No 7, Harrington Road Chetpet Call for details 91 44 43561198 and 91 42146632, Email. VDS Arts Academy 30 MOP Vaishnava College for Women, Nungambakkam Music and Bharatanatyam dance concerts throughout the year at 6 30 PM every Friday, Saturday and Sunday by young artists Admission free. Brahma Gana Sabha 31 Sivagami Pethachi Auditorium, School, 179, Luz Church Road, 91 92821 06425, 91 98412 96684.Indian Institute of Music and Arts R K Swamy Auditorium, Sir Sivaswamy Kalalaya, 5, Sundareswarar Street, Mylapore. Kartik Fine Arts 32 Narada Gana Sabha Hall, TTk Road 91 44 2499 7788, 91 44 2495 2695 30th Year Art Festival. Sri Krishna Gana Sabha 33 Dr Nalli Gana Vihar, 20 Maharajapuram Santhanam Road, 91 44 2814 0806 The 49th Art and Dance Festival Pongal Nagaswara Isai Vizha And the 24th Natya Kala Conference.50 to 500 daily rates. Sri Thyaga Brahma Gana Sabha 34 Vani Mahal, 103, GN Chetty Road, 91 44 2815 2166 The 25th Isai Iyal Nataka Vizha. Kalalayaa Art Academy Kalalayaa Art Academy 2nd Floor, 100ft Bye Pass Road, Velachery Landmark Opp to Bharat Petroleum Petrol Bunk, Above Nuts Spices 91 98408 77546, 91 44 4303 6546 35.GK Parigi in Cine Abinayam star night. Nungambakkam Cultural Academy Trust. Chennai is a major centre of Bharata Natyam with over 1000 dance performances a year More dance forms are now encouraged and taught like Kuchipudi Traditional dance form from Andhra Pradesh , Mohini Attam etc Some other dances like Odissi Manipuri can be found, but are rarer. Cinema edit. When in Chennai, do not miss a chance to watch a movie Make sure to book your tickets in advance especially in the weekend, bec ause most of the cinemas will be sold out Chennai also provides best cinematic experience at lowest cost Rs 120 - and lesser, which is very less compared to other metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Kolkata There are several cinemas in the city Check out any local newspaper or websites to get to know the movies running in and around Chennai Some of the cinema halls are. Udhayam Theatre Ashok Pillar, Chennai. Devi Cineplex 36 In the heart of Chennai on Anna Salai The Cineplex is a huge complex and a great architectural beauty. Jazz Cinemas 37 In Phoenix Mall, Jazz Cinemas has a lot of screens and 2 IMAX screens. Sathyam Cine Complex 38 Thiru-vi-ka Rd, phone 044-42244224 One of the best theaters Provides quality food and the main screen is one of the biggest in INDIA. Escape Cinemas 39 Express Avenue, Royapettah, phone 044-4224 4224.Inox 40 Chennai Citi Centre. Mayajaal Cine Complex 41.Abhirami Cine Complex Purasawalkam. Shanti Cine Complex Anna Salai. Ega theatres 42 p h road, Kilpau k Features Hindi movies. Sangam Cine Complex in Kilpauk. Rohini Cinema Complex Koyambedu. Ganga Theatre complex in Kolathur. Rakki Theatre in Ambattur. AGS Royal, Villivakkam. AGS Navalur, OMR. Luxe cinemas 11-screen multiplex in Phoenix Market City, Velachery. AGS Cinemas OMR, Navalur. Vetri Theatre Chromepet. Sports edit. Chennai has been one of the prominent sporting location in India, with wide variety of sports played almost everywhere right from every street corners to big stadium matches. M A Chidambaram Stadium Famously known as Chepauk Stadium. Cricket by itself is a festival in India, every TV in the Mall is tuned to cricket during the match season and the whole city would be tuned in to the sport some way or is an international venue for cricket and is also a home ground for the Chennai super Kings a famous cricket in Chennai it might be interesting to catch a game and enjoy the electric spirit of Indian to Chepauk there are several sporting good store where you can buy good quality crick et equipment s at low cost. Chennai open is a prominent tennis tournament that happens around January every year, the event has attracted lot of high ranked players such as Rafael Nadal, Carlos Moy, Leader event is well organized with details published online including ticket sales. Chennai has dozens of different institutes of higher learning from arts to engineering The city also offers plenty of opportunities to learn Yoga, Bhartanatyam, Carnatic music and The Bhagavad Gita. Alliance franaise de Madras AFM , No 24, College Road, Nungampaakam, Chennai 600 006 Nearest to bus stop name Nungampaakam Sterling Road , 91 44-28279803 43 Monday to Saturday 8 30 am - 6 30 pm Indo-French cultural center and a place to learn French AFM is one of the best places to learn French next only to Alliance Franaise de Delhi edit. Chinmaya Mission 2 13th Ave Harrington Rd, Chetpet 91 44 2826 5641 91 44 2827 4046 edit. The World Community Service Centre Vedathri mahirishi Vision for wisdom , 044-24571153 44 fre e yoga edit. ISKCON International Society For Krishna Consciousness , Hare Krishna Land Injambakkam 91 44 2501 9303 91 44 2501 9147 edit. Isha Yoga 81 Manoharan St, SW Boag Rd near Pazhamudhir Nilayam , 91 44-24333185 mobile 91 9442515557 , 45 edit. Kalakshethra Kalakshetra Foundation, Tiruvanmiyur 91 44 2491 1836 91 44 2491 4359 fax 91 44 2491 4359 , 46 edit. Kishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram 31, 4th Cross St, R K Nagar 91 44 2493 7998 91 44 2493 3092 fax 91 44 2461 334 , 47 edit. Krishnamurthi Foundation 124, 126 Old 64 65 Greenways Rd 91 44 2493 7803 91 44 2493 7596 , 48 edit. Raja Yoga Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalayam , 49 Learn Yoga free of cost edit. Theosophical Society Adyar, Chennai 91 44 2491 2815 fax 91 44 2490 2706 , 50 edit. Buy edit add listing. Stores on Doors Best Online Shop in Chennai for Grocery, Vegetables and Fruits , 171 4, Pallavan Street, Alwarthirunagar, Chennai 044 65158534 51 edit. Shopping Malls edit. Express Avenue 52 Royapettah High Road It is the second largest shopping mall in South India and features unique stores like Hamley s, Global Desi and Peekaboo, designer wear like Guess and Diesel and high-street chains like Body Shop, Tie Rack, Esprit and Lush It has a few fine-dining restaurants and also one of the largest food courts in India. Spencer Plaza 53 769, Anna Salai Spencer Plaza is the oldest shopping mall in India dating to the 1980s The present building stands in place of an Gothic-style one which housed the Spencer s, Asia s first departmental store The original was destroyed in a fire, and the current building dates back to 1983 The new Phase III section even has a mock Indo-Saracenic atrium in the style of the original One of the earliest shopping malls in India, it has slightly lost its charm with the arrival of swanky new malls, but it is still an excellent place to buy handicrafts, ethnic wear, Indian jewellery and books it houses the largest Landmark bookstore in Chennai There is a reasonably good food court on the 2nd level of Phase I and Phase III. Chennai Citi Center 54 10, Radhakrishnan Salai Opened in March of 2006, it houses mostly men s western-wear brands like Adidas, Louis Philippe, Parx and Zodiac Has a good food court, an Indian restaurant, INOX cinema and a supermarket. Shoppers Stop 55 2, Harrington Road, Chetpet This is one of the largest department stores in Chennai, and you can buy everything from clothes to shoes to books here. Ispahani Center Nungambakkam road An early shopping centre - has a cafe, bar shops. Prince Plaza Pantheon road, Egmore It has been featured in many movies. Ampa Mall 56 A new shopping mall in Chennai with both western and Indian brands featuring in the shops Most popular for its PVR Cinemas multiplex, Star Bazaar grocery store and one of the few McDonalds in the city It also has a food court and a boutique hotel. Pheonix Market City 57 A new shopping mall in Chennai Located in velachery Biggest mall in chennai, It houses Satyam Cinemas in the name of luxe cinemas will open 11 screens h ere which will also house Chennai s first IMAX theatre Chennai s first Hardrock Cafe is soon to come up here. Forum Vijaya Mall 58 A big shopping mall in vadapalani one of the Biggest mall in chennai, Houses Satyam s 9 screens, chennai s second IMAX will come up here. Spectrum Mall formerly known as Grand Venus Mall is a shopping mall located in Perambur, Chennai, India It is the first mall in North mall was developed at the site of erstwhile Venus theater on Paper Mills Road in Perambur The mall is spread over an area of 1,60,000 with two levels of retail shopping and a five screen multiplex. Chandra Metro Mall is a shopping mall located at Virugambakkam, Chennai The Mall with a built up area of 1 43 lakh mall has a five screen multiplex with a capacity of 1300 seats called as Fame National. Chennai has a wide selection of rare books and maps in the many second-hand book stalls With luck you may end up getting one of the best deals ever English, Tamil and Hindi books are widely available an d sold, other language books are sold by specialised stalls. Alwar s Roadside bookshop opposite Kamadhenu theatre in Mylapore. Bookfield Opposite the LIC building on Anna Salai Mount Road. Moore Market near Chennai Central. Vendors on Mount Road outside Devi Theatre and the GPO General Post Office. Higginbothams Anna Salai. Kennedys Book House Anna Salai. For more current publications. Landmark 59 Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai Mount Road - Books, Toys, CD s etc four locations. Spencer Plaza, Anna Salai Mount Road - 37,000 sq ft. Apex Plaza, Nungambakkam High Road - 12,000 sq ft - The original store. Chennai Citi Centre, Radhakrishnan Salai. Ampa Mall, Injambakkam - newest location. Odyssey Behind Gandhi Nagar Bus Stand, Adyar and Express Avenue, Royapettah. Giggles Connemara Hotel Binny Road - General books from a friendly shop keeper. Chennai Book Fair annual If you happen to be in Chennai in January, the ChennaiBookFair is an event not to miss Plan to visit on a weekday as they attract lesser crowds and you can browse through the collections peacefully If you pick a weekend or holiday, try to visit in the morning instead of the evening Look through all the shops but it is usually better to skip the marquee stalls and visit the smaller ones which have books stacked all around You will be rewarded with some great finds as these shops have lesser known but excellent titles from all around the world Carry cash as many of the smaller shops do not accept credit debit cards and cash also helps to bargain down the price of the books to some extent On average, paperback novels in bargain shops cost 100 to 200 A budget of 3000 around 50 should be enough to purchase a good collection of books. Clothes edit. AMAARA 60 27 14, C V Raman Road, Alwarpet, Chennai - 6000018 91 9842212173 91 44 45000020 Located in the heart of the city is a quaint little designer boutique - Amaara Amaara specializes in high quality Indian ready to wear clothing for Women Their cuts are simple, fashionable sophisticated A maara clothes use handloom fabrics such as maheswari cottons, tussar silks, jute, hand block printed kalamkari etc The store is co-owned by sisters Soorya Vijayalakshmi, who are usually around at the store to help you out, which adds to the personal touch. Brass Tacks 61 77 13, Corporation Shopping Complex, C P Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet, 91 44 4208 1767 Contemporary clothing from natural fibres for women. FabIndia 62 The Ilford House location at 3 Woods Road is probably the best in terms of choices and selections This is the place to go for all your natural-dyed, hand loomed and hand made textiles The prices have been going up the last few years, but FabIndia is the only source for this sort of textile in Chennai at any retail outlet. Just Casuals Nungambakkam, 1, Sterling Road, 91 044 28273882 A good place to head if you re in the mood for the Banana Republic Abercrombie Old Navy Gap type stuff They seem to get all the export rejects or overstocks You ll find that all the brand tags are c ut out due to some agreement with the manufacturer The quality and prices are good, but unfortunately there s no bargaining possible. Handloom Exhibitions Year-round there is always a handloom exhibition profiling the work of one state or the other These temporary installations you ll have to check the local papers to find out where they set up generally have a good selection of interesting fabrics and textile products And there is always the option to bargain, which makes it a better bet than oft-overpriced retail stores The Royapettah YMCA across from Royapettah Hospital has a regular handloom exhibition. Crafts edit. Poombukar 108 Anna Salai, Plandmark opposite the LIC building in Annasalai and next to Higgingbothams book store They sell handicrafts. Amethyst Sundar Mahal, Padmavathi Rd, Jeypore Colony, Gopalapuram, 91 44 2820 3582 They sell handicrafts. Victoria Technical institute 63 located very close to Spencer Plaza and a few minutes by walk from Express Avenue They have a huge disp lay of handicraft items, paintings, wood carvings and metal work statues. Ashvita - Arts and Artifacts 11 2nd St, Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore, 91 44 2847 6063 Art, jewellery, photo prints. Crafts and Weaves 1, 1st Main Road, CIT Colony, Mylapore 91 44 2466 0232 Handicrafts. Giri Stores Adjacent to Kabaleeswarar Temple, opposite the Radha Silk Emporium, Mylapore Tank Hindu spiritual items like Rudraksha garlands, books, CDs tapes for chanting, incense sticks, camphor and lamps. Hidesign Ispahani Centre, Nungambakkam High Rd Phase 3, Spencers Plaza 64 Leather goods. Vimonisha Art Gallery 12 Khadar Nawaz Khan Rd Handicrafts. Jidoka Store 1st Lane, Nungambakkam High Rd, 91 44 2822 3516, 91 44 2822 3317 Handicrafts. Poppat Jamals Mount Rd Anna Salai, opp Spencers Plaza Crockery. Manasthala 12 Cenotaph Rd, 91 44 2433 2842 Terracotta ceramics. Art galleries edit. Prakrit Art Gallery Dhandayuthapani Nagar, 2nd St, Kotturpuram, 91 44 42188989, 65.Lakshmi Ethiraj Art Gallery 70 1st Main Rd, CIT Nagar, 9 1 44 4359 223.Raasi Art Gallery 1 Anna Ave, Bakthavatsala Nagar, Adayar, 91 44 2441 0389.Apparao Galleries 7th St, Wallace Garden, 91 44 2827 226.Contemporary arts and crafts showroom 41 CP Ramaswamy Rd, Alwarpet, 91 44 2499 7069, 91 44 2466 0159.Chennai Studio 222 Peters Rd, Royapettah, 91 44 98405 43420, 66.Sarees edit. Revathy Stores, No 7 8, RK Mutt Rd, Luz Bazaar Building , 91 44 24934328 Small store with a wide variety of Kalyani and Indian hand-loomed sarees. Aavaranaa 15, Ashoka Street, Alwarpet, 91 44 24988292.Vardhrams and Son s Silks Harington Rd, Chetpat. Radha Silk Emporium Rasi Silk sarees, ethnic wear, arts crafts in multiple locations. 1 Sannadhi St, Mylapore, 91 44 2494 1906 827, Dhun Building, Mount Rd, 91 44 2852 0251 23 1st Main Rd, Nanganallur, 91 44 2232 4176.Shilpi 29 C P Ramaswamy Rd, Alwarpet. Jewelry edit. Joyalukkas T Nagar. Vummidi Bangaru Jewellery Nungambakkam, also a location T Nagar. Bapalal Jewellers Kakani Towers, Cathedral Road. KANISHK T Nagar. Sapthaswara Musicals Features Western and Indian musical instruments. Shruthi Musicals 10 Harleys Rd, Kilpauk, 91 44 2660 3630.Sruthilayais 93 Royapettah High Rd, Mylapore, 91 44 2499 4045, 91 44 2498 2625 Musical instruments. Lakshman shruthi Vadapalani Signal, Vadapalani Musical instruments, CDs. In addition to these there are several exhibitions at Das Community Hall Cathedral Rd , Shankara Hall TTK Rd where artisans display their work Check the local newspapers for details and timings. Eat edit add listing. Chennai has numerous restaurants, offering an assortment of cuisine The beach restaurants are well maintained and serve great food during the evenings The eat outs in Chennai range from budget, midrange and to up-market There are swanky star quality restaurants, plain open traditional vegetarian or non vegetarian restaurants - where you share a table with strangers, street stalls, tea kadais, fast food centers, western fast food centers, food courts, coffee shops, bakeries Vegetarian restaurants serve tiffin and vegetarian meals There are also a number of restaurants that serve a variety of Tamil, Andhra and Kerala vegetarian and non-vegetarian fare Many of these restaurants have nowadays diversified and offer other Indian and Indianized Chinese dishes as well Usually the check includes a service charge, written next to S C If no service charge is added, it is customary to leave a moderate tip. Budget edit. Hot soup stand outside Santhome, Chennai. All these budget eateries serve only vegetarian food and are very cheap. DOJO KULFIS A must visit for Traditional Indian desert - Kulfis, Ice creams, Faloodas, Smoothies Coolers Situated in Kutchery Ro ad, Mylapore and Ennore They supply their products to most of the hotels, restaurants, food courts Contact 91 99620 22850.Eat N Drink 570-N, Anna Salai, Teynampet next to Courtyard Marriott South Indian fast food, from masala dosas to uttapam and pongal Fast, cheap, tasty and hygienic Rs 20-40 edit. Geetha Caf Pondy Bazaar South Indian tiffin. Hot Chips and Anna Nagar for budget priced South Indian tiffin, including North Indian chaat snack items. Kebab Junction Royapettah, NV, opp Express Ave, near Melody theatre. Karpagambal Mess Mylapore, opposite the Kapaleeswarar temple Cheap and authentic South Indian Food. Komalas Kodambakkam High Rd South Indian fast food. Mansuk s Best for Bombay Chaat, Lassi and an unlimited Gujarati Thali. Palimar Parsn Complex, Mount Rd, Anna Salai South Indian cuisine. Rathna Cafe Triplicane also Thiruvanmiyur, opposite the RTO For fluffy hot idlis, hot vadai, delicious pongal dripping in ghee and accompanied by sambhar Quality maintained for more than 100 years M ore expensive than Murugan Idli shop. Sangeetha at intersection of Valluvar Kottam High Rd and Nungambakkam High Rd in Nungambakkam Chain of vegetarian restaurants A mix of good-quality and tasty South Indian, North Indian, and Indo-Chinese cuisine at very reasonable prices A chain restaurant. Saravana Bhavan 67 Probably Chennai s best known restaurant chain, with 25 branches in Chennai itself incl one next to Kapaleeswarar Temple Pure vegetarian Indian food with high standards of hygiene. Sanjeevanam New No 97, Old No 45, Nungambakkam High Road in Nungambakkam, Chennai 91 44 4549 0324 Adyar location Old No 24, New No 76, B Venkatarathinam Nagar, Adyar, 68 A popular vegetarian health restaurant that cooks its foods using ayurvedic principles The food is truly delicious, and the concept is that they are cooked with low amounts of oil, using healthy ingredients The chain also features Ayurvedic and yogic classes. Sri Krishna Sweets Mount Rd, Spencers Plaza, Adayar, Anna Salai, also at MG Rd, Shastri Nagar Indian sweets salad bar North Indian chat snack items. The Spice Box Thiruvanmyur, 91 44 4304 2365 Lunch deliveries and gourmet outdoor catering Wholesome, innovative lunch-dinner in 6 options is great to try out. Vasantha Bhavan near Vadapalani Bus stand Chain of vegetarian restaurants. Mid-range edit. Mother Cluckers Cafe 7, Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 91 91761 13893 69 Good food on a tight budget Burgers, Pizzas, Waffles, Pancakes and Thick Shakes Meal for 2 - Rs 500 edit. Dynasty Harrisons Hotel, Non-Vegetarian 315, Valluvarkottam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai Good quality Chinese-Indian cuisine Table Reservations Tele 91 44 52222777.The Cascade Quality Inn Sabari, 1 floor, 29 Thirumalai Pillai Road, Chennai 600 017, Tel 91 44 2834 3030.Texas Fiesta Non-Vegetarian 17 2, Shaffee Mohammed Road, off Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Chennai 600006 It is owned and operated by a Tex Mex aficionado who fell in love with this great cuisine while in the USA Favorite di shes include chicken wings, cream of leeks and potato soup, chicken fajita and grilled tenderloin steak apart from burritos, quesadillas and tortillas Meal for two would cost about.500 Table Reservations Tele 91 44 43087882.Amethyst Vegetarian, Sundar Mahal, Padmavathi Road, Jeypore Colony, Gopalapuram, Chennai 91 44 2820 3582 Garden and patio cafe and restaurant with a mix of western pastas, burgers and Indian fare Cuisines served by Amethyst are Coffee and International It is a nice, cozy, romantic place to chill out on weekends Their cuisine is nice and so is their interiors Its a colonial house turned into a restaurant Highly recommendable Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28353581.Curry House Non-Vegetarian , 2, Block AB, 11th Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai Hyderabadi, Chettinad, and Kerala delicacies Good tandoori fare of the Non-Veg variety popular among the punjabi s and found all over Delhi is also offered Open 12PM to 3PM and 7PM to 11PM Price range Meals for two around.350 Table Re servations Tele 91 44 42611167, 42611168.Dhaba Express Non-Vegetarian 9, Cenotaph Road, Teynampet, Chennai and Nungambakkam High Road, Chennai Cuisines served by Dhaba Express are North Indian They serve Chicken Tikka Masala, Mutton Rogan Josh, Tandoori Aloo starter , Naans and Roomali Rotis Valet Parking Open 11 30 AM to 3 30 PM, 6 30 PM to 1 30 AM Price range Meals for two.500 Table Reservations Tele 91 44 2432 8213.ECR Dhaba Non-Vegetarian 9 76, Kunnukadu, East Coast Road, Near Muttukadu Boat House, Chennai Cuisines served by ECR Dhaba are Punjabi Table Reservations Tele 91 44 27472943, 91 098407 04050 Open 11 00 AM to 11 45 PM. Coastline Non-Vegetarian 118, Dr Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore, Chennai South Indian Seafood Freshly done Interiors, slow service but delicious food Crab Rasam, Prawn or Fish Biryani Vide variety of sea food offerings Must try place Price range Meals for two.600 Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28251128.Aiwo Vegetarian 7 Rosy Towers, Nungambakkam High Road, Nung ambakkam, Chennai Fusion and health foods Aiwo features a 14-course meal served on a conveyer belt that moves around the room Various dishes served are supposed to be cooked in olive oil Healthy tasty food for the health conscious Resonably priced at.199 per meal inclusive of Reservations Tele 91 044 66514241.Amaravathi Non-Vegetarian 1 Cathedral Road, Gopalpuram, Chennai It serves South Indian sea food cuisines and is known for its spicy Andhra food Their famous Andhra meals, chicken and mutton biryani, Vazahapoo and Keerai Vadi are a must try Wide range of delicacies includes chilly chicken, chili paneer, momos, soups, burgers, rolls, etc Punjabi dishes like kadhai chicken, butter chicken, daal makhni, roti, butter naan, paneer butter masala, allu matar etc Special fish prawns and Amaravathi chicken are the main dishes of the restaurant Price Avrg for 2 persons.500 Seating 135 covers Valet Parking and Take away Open Seven days a week 11AM to 11PM Table Reservations Tele 91 044 281164 16, 28110305.Amma Non-Vegetarian No 1 Dr Giri Road, Near Bharathi Raja Hospital, T Nagar, Chennai 600017, Known for authentic Chettinadu cuisine Price range Meals for 2 around.350 Open 11 30AM to 3 30PM and 7PM to 10 30PM Table Reservations Tele 91 044 28340242, 42122176.Anjappar Non-Vegetarian J P Tower, 7 2, Nungambakkam High Road, Chennai 600034 Speciality Anjappar Popular Meals White Rice, Chettinad Chicken, Mutton Gravy, Fish Gravy, Sambar, Rasam, Kootu, Porial, Keerai, Curd, Buttermilk, Appalam Also famous for Dum Biriyani, Nattu Koli Biriyani and Chettinaad Fish Masala Price range Meals for two.500 Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28217200, 2825666, 42144573 They have other outlets in Chennai Anna Nagar 91 44 26264111 Chennai Airport-Food Court - Anna International Airport, 91 44 22561793, 2256194 Near Central Station 91 44 25382666, 25383334 Egmore 91 44 42134111, 42179222 Purasaiwalkam 91 44 42089188, 26400200 T Nagar 91 44 24328444, 24328555 Mylapore 91 44 24982883,24981226 91 44 28114555, 28114666.Annalakshmi Vegetarian 18 3, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road Marshall road , Sigapi Achi Building I Floor, Adjacent to Raja Muthaiah Rani Meyyammai Hall, Egmore, Chennai 600008 This is a must try expensive South Indian food restaurant Elegant ambience, friendly service and good food Filling portions served Best selling dishes - Elumichai Sevai, Badam-saffron milkshake Elite crowd Pricy at.1000 for 2 meals Open Tuesday to Sunday Monday weekly holiday Lunch 12 Noon to 2 30 PM Dinner 7 30 PM to 9 45 PM Table Reservations Tele 91 044 28525109 044 42141210.Anupama Southern Spice Non-Vegetarian 25, 1st Floor, G N Chetty Road, Thyagaraya Nagar, Chennai 600017 Specialty Andhra Cuisine Table Reservations Tele 91 44 31000733.Hotel Coronet Non-Vegetarian 128, Lattice Bdge Road, Adyar, Chennai 600020 This is one of the oldest restaurants in the area Very reasonably priced, Coronet is known for its great Mughalai food Their specialties are the mutton korma with parotha, Ceylon egg parot ha, and kheema masala They also serve Kerala Malabar dishes Modest ambience Open 9 AM to Past midnight Tele 91 44 24413446, 91 44 24411915.Madurai Appu Non-Vegetarian 40, Sarojini Street, T Nagar, Chennai 600017 Speciality Authentic Chettinad Cuisine Known for its Chettinad Chicken Masala, Chicken and Mutton Biryani Price range Meals for two.500 Table Reservations Tele 91 044 2432 8484 They have other outlets in Chennai Valasaravakkam 91 044 24861166 24860022 Mugappair 91 044 26567676 26567393 Triplicane 91 44 28580786, 28591515, 28592929 East Coast Road ECR - Vettuvankani 91 44 24490077, 24491515.Barbeque Nation BBQ Nation. Gallopin Gooseberries Burgers, Sandwiches and Entres Has two outlets.1 4 359,Gatsby Village, Mgr Road, 91 44 24493924 2 11, Shop 2, 2nd Floor, Greams Road, Landmark Near Thousand Lights Police Station Phone 91 44 28291077, 28292190.Gyan Vaishnav Mount Road, Near Anand Theatre North Indian. Kadalivanam Mogappair 70 100 natural, fully vegetarian restaurant. Karaikudi Vee raRaghava Road, T Nagar, 91 44 2815 1021 also at Anna Nagar, Besant Nagar, Mylapore, Thiruvanmiyur Chettinadu cuisine. Eden s Harrisons Hotel, 315, Valluvarkottam High Road, Nungambakkam Wonderful Continental cuisine, fully vegetarian. Once Upon A Pirate A Pirate Theme Restaurant, Besant Nagar Beach Road, Opp Velankanni Church 91 44 45511980 Indian Tandoor Chinese Cuisines. Murugans Idli Shop 2 locations GN Chetty Road T Nagar and Besant Nagar Murugan Idli Shop is a chain restaurant, and the GN Chetty Road shop in particular is a well-kept secret among locals as a purveyor of high-quality food on weekends, there is a long line for entry The price for one meal is around 20-40 rupees, or around 1 South Indian. Mughal s Zaika Rajaratnam St, Chetpet, Behind Ega Theatre This is the best place in Chennai for any Kebabs esp their Juicy Irani Kebabs They also serve the best authentic Mughlai value for money One drawback or advantage is its non-a c, its an open-air restaurant The price for one meal is around.80 rupees, or around 2 Mughlai Persian Afghani Irani. Noodle House A chain restaurant, whoese locations include 1 Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai Mount Road and Intersection of Sterling Road and Nungambakkam High Road in Nungambakkam Chinese. Pizzaurant Velachery Road, Little Mount, Saidapet Cuisine - Pizza Pasta Without MSG Home delivery for nearby areas, Very Indian. Poonamallee Breeze Hotel, 850, Poonamallee High Road 91 44 2641 3334, 91 44 2643 0596 Multicuisine. Ponnusamy Commander-in-Chief Road opp Ethiraj College , Egmore Chettinadu cuisine. Rangis Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam Chinese. Swati and Swayam at Saravana Bhavan, Peters Road South Indian. Sparky s located in Egmore, is an American diner operated by an American expatriate settled in Chennai Mexican, Italian and American food Prices range from 70-150 rps for a meal 71.Splurge edit. Peshwari Sheraton Chola Hotel, Cathedral Road, Chennai 600 086 The award winning Peshawari is the Indian specialty restaurant with the r ugged flavours of the North-West Frontier and the art of tandoori cooking The food is cooked in clay ovens or tandoor in the traditional style which is viewed through the open kitchen 5 Star Hotel Rated Expensive Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28110101.Mainland China Hotel Tulip Aruna, 144 145, Sterling Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 4 Star Hotel The restaurant chain serves authentic cuisine from the major provinces of China Table Reservations Tele 91 044 28238345, 044 39155261, 044 39155256.Shanghai Club Hotel Chola Sheraton, 13,Cathedral Road, Chennai 600086 Well known for its most authentic Chinese Cuisine Live three piece band 5 Star Hotel Rated Expensive Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28110101.Shansi Chinese Tandoori Restaurant AnnaNagar - Indian and Chinese - 26213109.Cafe Mercara In Chola Sheraton Hotel, 13,Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram, Chennai - 600086 Coffee Boutique which serves an amazing array of coffees and tea from around the world - Burgers, pizzas, salads and snacks 5 Star Hote l Rated Expensive Table Reservations Tele 91 44 24322640 91 44 28110101.Cilantro Coffee Shop Restaurant of Le Royal Mridien,1 GST Road, Mount, Chennai-600016 The restaurant serves continental, Indian, South Indian, Italian, Arabic Shawarma s, Chinese, Thai and a teppanyaki grill of Japanese Cuisine Open 24 hrs Table Reservations Tele 91 44 22314343, 91 44 43534545.The Residency Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Chamiers Road, Alwarpet, Chennai Lavish buffet and an international a la carte menu In a gracious setting reminiscent of the Edwardian era Live music Open 12 30 PM to 2 45 PM, 7 30 PM to 11 45 PM Table Reservations Tele 91 44 2499 4101.Grill and Indian Cuisine. Pergola The Accord Metropolitan Hotel, 35, G N Chetty Road, T Nagar - The highest open to sky restaurant in the city - Featuring Grills Indian cuisines - Hours of operation 19 00 Hrs - Midnight - Seating capacity 120 covers - Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28161000, 43911000.Bella Ciao - Lounge Beach Garden, 4, Shri Krishna Enclave , Kottivakkam, Chennai - 600041, Italian-owned and run, authentic Italian food The famous wood fired oven pizza, home made pastas, steaks and salads Table Reservations Tele 91 44 24511130.Little Italy Italian Restaurant, Eldorado No 112, Nungambakam High Road, Chennai-600034 Italian classic cuisine with a perfect wine Chef s favourites Pizza Mellino, Pasta del Fattore and In Wines - Brunello di Montalcino Table Reservations Tele 91 44 42601234, 42601230.Prego Taj Coromandel, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam 91 44 5500 2827 Gourmet Italian dining, replaced Patio. Rhapsody Courtyard Marriott, 564 Anna Salai, Teynampet 91 44 66764499 Authentic Italian restaurant with an attached lounge. Akasaka Suraj Towers, Ground Floor, 128 L B Road, Behind Jayanthi Theatre, Thiruvanmiyur Japanese Chef, The ambeince is Japanese - low seating and all that Own fishing boat, excellent sushi and sashimi Very Expensive-- figure on over.1000 for a meal here Table Reservations Tele 91 44 24453424, 24456493.Arira ng Korean Restaurant - Dr Thirumurthy Nagar 91 Main Road Nungambakkam, Nungambakkam, Chennai-600034 Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28233739.Lebanese and Middle Eastern Delicacies. Cedars Wallace Garden Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600085 Dim lit ambience is beautiful with exquisite furnishing in Mediterranean style They serve the most authentic Lebanese, Middle Eastern delicacies and some interesting Mediterranean cuisines Table Reservations Tele 91 44 42182397.Don Pepes 73, Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram, Chennai Mexican Located above Hot Breads as an extension, They are best known for their fajitas sizzlers and enchiladas a tortilla wrap with some Mexican rice Rated Expensive Open 12 00 to 2 45 PM, 7 00 to 11 45 PM Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28221461.Entree Restaurant 72 Located in Emall hotel, Express Avenue Mall, Gate No 1, Pattullous Road, Anna Salai, Chennai 600 91 044 28463333, 91 044 28463358 100 Vegetarian multi-cuisine restaurant in Chennai Serves a delectable fare from all aro und the world - Thai soup, Mexican main course, Indian spice tadka, French pastry for deserts. Citrus Savera Hotels Ltd 146, Dr Radhakrishnan Road, Mylapore, Chennai - 600004 Multi-cuisine - featuring Mediterranean barbeque and Norwegian smoked salmon Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28114700.Cream Centre 55, 2nd Main Road, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai - 600028 Near Kaliappa Hospital Cream Centre offers a wide range of vegetarian food choices - North Indian and Mexican, to American, Italian and even Channa Bhatura, American Corn Cheese Ball, Sizzlers Sizzling Brownie A specialty here is the Mera Thali, where you have a choice of dishes from which you can make your own thali Open 11 00 AM to 3 30 PM, 7 00 PM to 11 00 PM 11 00 AM to 11 00PM on Weekends Table Reservations Tele 91 044 42815777, 91 044 42815776.Seasons The Accord Metropolitan Hotel, 35, G N Chetty Road, T Nagar, Chennai - Extensive Buffets featuring cuisines from all over the world - Oriental to Italian, Continental to Indian, and Gl obal A la Carte - Open 24 Hrs Seating capacity 65 covers - Breakfast buffet 07 00 - 10 30 Hrs - Lunch buffet 12 30 - 15 00 Hrs - Dinner buffet 19 30 - 23 00 Hrs - Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28161000, 43911000.Copper Chimney 74, Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram, Chennai Opposite the Chola Sheraton Mainly North Indian and Iranian inspired dish Specialities Bagani Bahar, Paneer Musselum Rated expensive Open 12 00 to 3 00 PM, 7 00 to 12 00 PM Table Reservations Tele 91 44 28115770, 28114941.The Great Kabab Factory Radisson G R T Hotel, G S T Road, St Thomas Mount, Chennai, 600016 Specialities Galoutti Kabab, Tangri and Murgh Malai Kababs, Fish and Mutton Kababs They serve alcohol and have valet parking Pricing Rated expensive Open 12 00PM to 2 45PM, 7 00PM to 11 45PM, Table Reservations Tele 91 44 22310101.Navaratna Le Royal Meridien, Le Royal Mridien,1 GST Road, Mount, Chennai-600016 Indian restaurant serving Royal Indian Cuisine Live Ghazal performances A Private dining room is available for up to 12 persons and an intimate bar for pre-dinner drinks Rated very expensive Open For Lunch from 12 00 Noon to 3 00 PM For Dinner from 7 00 to 11 45PM Table Reservations Tele 91 44 22314343, 91 44 43534545.Tandoor Quality Inn Aruna Hotel, 4th Floor, 144 145, Sterling Road, Nungambakkam Chennai - 600034 Specialties North Indian, Punjabi, Tandoori and Mongolian amenities outdoor seating and valet parking Serves alcohol Table reservations Tele 91 44 28262626, 91 44 28283636.Kayal Seafood Restaurant of Le Royal Meridien, 1, G S T Road, St Thomas Mount Chennai 600016 Specialities Coriander Prawn, Seafood Platter, Kadia Lobster, Prawn Biryani Nice complimentary garlic bread with butter Rated very expensive Open 7 00 to 11 30 PM Table reservations Tele 91 44 22314343, 91 44 43534545.Dakshin Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, 132, T T K Road, Alwarpet, Chennai South Indian Cuisines - Dakshin offers the rare pleasures of ethnic coastal and regional cuisines The choicest cuisine of the four south ern states served in a regal setting Live Carnatic music Expensive but excellent food - Starters include traditional, kuli paniyaram Try the Idi Appam or Appam with mutton stew Desert Kulfi Open 12 30 to 2 45 PM, 7 30 to 11 45 PM Table reservations Tele 91 44 24994101.Southern Spice Taj Coromandel, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam 91 44 55002827.Benjarong 146, TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai 600018, The authentic flavor of Thailand Seating capacity 68 covers Open 12 15 PM to 2 45 PM and 7 15 PM to 11 45 PM Table reservations Tele 91 44 24322640.Drink edit add listing. Chennai is a difficult place in which to drink Government rules state that only establishments with a minimum of 21 bedrooms can obtain a bar liquor license Hence there are no standalone bars or pubs here All the bars that are around are part of a hotel and are far apart This makes traditional drinking activities like pub crawling an impossibility. Drinking is a habit of two social classes in India the lower sections of the s ociety and the highest As a result, you will either find dingy places or exceptionally classy ones. Government run liquor stores called TASMAC are all over the place but, in general, not at all a pleasant experience They usually have rude staff, are filthy and do not have the brand of your choice Also, they tend to mark up each bottle by 5 to 10 over the listed price Go for it if you want a one time war-like experience in order to obtain some booze. Clubs and discotheques may be thought to be a rarity in conservative Chennai, but there are plenty and the list is growing Compared to other cities, Chennai has no curfews over closing hours, so theoretically they can be open 24hours, but most clubs and bars close by 3am Most bars double as night clubs. Budget edit. The Pub Liberty Park Hotel, 1st Main Road, Kodambakkam, Ph - 24725950.Paradise Bar Aruna Hotel, 20 South Usman Road, T Nagar, Chennai - 600017, Ph - 24346565 0834.Nandini Palace 14, Giri Rd, Lakshimi Colony, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 6000 17, India, Ph - 91 44 4212.Mid-range edit. Bike and Barrel Residency Towers, ambience there are 2 levels-lower level for couples and upper level for stags Nice sitting arrangement, but can get crowded Expect to spend around 1000 for 2 people for drinks and food. Champagne Cider Grand Orient, Anna Salai Mount Road. Crystal Hotel Ranjit, Nungambakkam High road, Nungambakkam. Grammy Hotel Sabhari, Thirumala Pillai Road, Ph. Platinum Formerly HFO , Hotel Quality inn Aruna, Sterling Road, Nungambakkam. Hudson Harrisons Hotel, 315, Valluvarkottam High Road, Nungambakkam, Ph - 42222777.Has two levels Hudson Upper and H2O Cramped seating providing very little privacy The liquor stable is limited to the local brands and a bottle or two of Scotch. Society Hotel Ambassador Pallava, Montieth road, Egmore, Ph - 28554476.Pretty small Crowd is predominantly hotel guests Attire is business casual and drinks are a little pricy. Diesel G N Chetty Road. Cambridge Hotel Dee Cee Manor, GN Chetty Road. Million Dollar s Hotel Ambica Empire, 100 Feet road, Vadapalani. Star Rock Kodambakkam High Road Next to Palmgrove hotel , Nungambakkam. Zero bar Quality Inn Sabari, ground floor, 29 Thirumalai Pillai Road, Chennai - 600 017.Splurge edit. OPM - Nightclub The Accord Metropolitan, Road, T Nagar, Chennai - Open 18 00 Hrs Onwards Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays but available for private events Information and Reservations Tele 91 44 28161000 43911000.Zodiac - Lounge Bar The Accord Metropolitan, Road, T Nagar, Chennai - Popular labels, ingenious cocktails, rare blends of liquor a wide selection of hot and cold canaps Open Monday to Friday 16 00-23 00 Hrs, Saturday Sunday 11 00-23 00 Hrs - Seating capacity 76- Information and Reservations Tele 91 44 28161000 43911000.Geoffrey s - The Pub, Radha Regent formerly - Radha Park Inn , 171, Jawaharlal Nehru Salai, Inner Ring Road, Arumbakkam, Chennai 600106 Decor is a mix of British and American - very contemporary and trendy looking - pool tables, swinging DJs and live show s An area of 2700 sq ft with 97 covers which makes it the largest of its kind in the city Open 4 pm to 11 pm on all days Information and reservations Tele 91 44 66778899.The Westminister Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Chamiers Road, Alwarpet 91 44 2499 4101.Zara Cathedral Road. Dublin Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Chamiers Road, Alwarpet, Ph - 24994101.Durrants Bar Chola Sheraton, Cathedral Road, Ph - 28110101.Distil Bar Taj Connemara, Binny Road. Leather Bar The Park, Nungambakkam High Road. The largest liquor stable in Chennai - includes hard to source Moet Chandon, Glenfiddich and a variety of other scotch Loud Music. The Rain Bar Hotel Raintree, Road, Alwarpet. The Havana Hotel Raintree, Road, Alwarpet.10 Downing Street Kences Inn Hotel, North Boag Road, T Nagar. Elixir Lounge Bar 73 Located in Emall hotel, Express Avenue Mall, Gate No 1, Pattullous Road, Anna Salai, Chennai 600 91 044 2846 3333, 91 044 2846 3392 Indulge yourself with some of our fine liquor, exotic cocktails and amaz ing concoctions, along with an eclectic choice of delicious finger food and savory cuisine from all over the world. Local Specialities - Soft Drinks edit. Tender Coconut Definitely try a tender coconut on a hot summer s day Available on roadside stalls at 20 a coconut. NeerMoar Spicy butter milk, with local seasoning Available at most South Indian restaurants. Fruit Bizz Adyar signal , left corner building from ananda bhavan road to guindy This is one of the best juice shops very famous in adyar region Shop open from morning 10 am till 1am 30-50 edit. DOJO KULFIS Definite visit for Kulfis, Ice creams, Faloodas, Smoothies coolers Situated in Kutchery Road, Mylapore and Ennore They also supply to leading restaurants, hotels and food courts Contact 91 99620 22850.Sleep edit add listing. Alcove Service Apartments Chennai Anandapuram, Off Dr Ranga 600004 91-9900578231 , 74 Single room Independent 3 or 4 BHK Apartments, Air-conditioned rooms, Lounge and dining area and independent bathrooms, TV, f ully furnished kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, toaster, mixer, grinder and gas stove complimentary breakfast, free wi-fi internet edit. Broadlands lodging house No 18, Vallabha Agraharam Street, opp Star Theatre Triplicane - a traveller s institution which is very popular with the backpacker crowd, leafy courtyard, a rustic feel to the whole hotel, good rooms are situated to the back of the hotel and one of the most recommended rooms are room 43 and 44 which are roof cottages Rooms start at 400 for single without ensuite and 450 for single ensuite Great place to get over your jet-lag and get acclimatized to india Walking distance from the beach and 10 minute rickshaw ride to most places you would like to see in Chennai-email. Kanchi C-in-C Road, Egmore. Old Woodlands , a k a Royapettah Woodlands Woodlands Hotel that is next to Woodlands Theatre in Royapettah Phone 91 44 2848 2150, 91 44 2848 2152 Little known, but an excellent place to stay The hotel building is at least one hundred years old and stands in the middle of sprawling grounds and surrounded by massive trees The main building was once the palace of Raja of Ramnad The auto-rickshaws taxis will not tell you about the place as the hotel does not pay a commission to middlemen Pay no more than 40 rupees to get there from the railway station. New Woodlands Hotel 75 It is sometimes crowded and a tad busy There is a nice quiet art gallery and cafe nearby, the ashvitha cafe Recommended for those wanting to slow down and soak in the pace of life in Chennai Theaters and shopping arcades are close by. Sri Krishna Residency Ph 044 24643617 South mada street Mylapore. Hotel Karpagam International, Ph 24613701, South mada street, Mylapore. Hotel Regent 11 Kennet Lane Phone 91 44 2825 3347.Zam Zam Guest House 91 4442664508 checkin 24 hrs checkout 24 hrs Newly built with clean spotless rooms and nice staff It is located about 100m behind Thaj Regency Hotel on the small street Look for the black marble entrance and sign Al l rooms have bath, fan, sat TV, intercom and wifi, although from the third floor up you may have difficult time getting the signal Squat toilets only No mosquito nets on the windows Official prices start from.800 but that is a joke As a couple you should get it down to max 400 and as a single around. Mid-range edit. Abu Palace Habitable, but not enjoyable bathroom smells strongly of mold Everything including fridge and A C turn off when room keys are removed Double room for.2925 means two single bedsfort Inn Marina Towers 2A Ponniamman Koiil Street Egmore, Phone 91 44 2858 5454, Fax 91 44 2858 5454, 76.Dakshin Venkatnarayana Road, Near Nandanam Signal. Dee-Cee Manor GN Chetty Road, T Nagar. GRT Grand Days. Grand Orient Anna Salai Near Anand Theatre. Harrisons 315, Valluvarkottam High Road, Nungambakkam, Ph - 91 44 5222 2777.Imperial Serviced Apartment 11 Harrington Road, Chetpet, Chennai - 600031 Highly recommended and suitable for both long term as well as short term stays 91 98417 42520 77. Lemon Tree Hotel, Chennai Sardal Patel Rd, Guindy, 78.Somerset Greenways Chennai No 94 Sathyadev Avenue, MRC Nagar Located just 10 minutes from the central business district in Chennai, you can travel conveniently throughout the city while enjoying the comforts of home with designer layouts, furnishings and facilities presented at these contemporary serviced apartments edit. The Raintree Hotel 636, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai, India 600035 4443939999 79 Located in the city centre of Chennai, India, the modern Raintree Hotel features 105 contemporary guest rooms, Jacuzzi, bamboo wood flooring, flat screen TV and high speed internet 13 0339982 -80 2440313 edit. Opposite the Raj Bhavan. Liberty Park 1st Main Road, Kodambakkam, Ph - 91 44 2472 5950 80.Mowbrays Inn TTK Road, Alwarpet. New Woodlands Radhakrishna Salai, Mylapore. New Victoria Kenneth Lane, Egmore. Oriental Inn 044 28114941, 71 Cathedral road, Gopalapuram, 81 32 rooms in central Chennai.1500-2800 plus taxes. Peninsula GN Chetty Ro ad, T Nagar. President Radhakrishna Salai, Mylapore. Raj Residency 22 Kennet Lane, Egmore 2 min walk from the Egmore railway station , 82 USD 17-147 edit. Ranjit Nungambakkam High Road. Residency GN Chetty Road. Residency Towers Boag Road. Westin Park Montieth Road, Egmore. Aspni Inn 77 Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 100 Feet Road, Vadapalani, Chennai - 600 026, Tamilnadu, India 91 44 2362 2284 83 Aspni Inn the Luxury Business class hotel is situated nearby Chennai Metropolitan Bus Terminus and Vadapalani Lord Murugan Temple Aspni Inn has 51 Luxurious Rooms Rates start at 1000 edit. Aloft by Starwood Hotels - 84 - 102 Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Sholinganallur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 119 - Opened 1 July 2010 - from. Best Guest House 29 31 South Usman Road, Corner of Damodaran Street, Opp, T Nagar Bus Terminus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600017 opposite T Nagar Bus Terminus , 91-44-24360717 24360718 checkin 24 hours checkout 24 hours Double and triple ac and non-ac rooms with bathrooms and cable TV 300-1,000 13 2 0 48 80 13 50 45 edit. Splurge edit. The closest hotels to the airport are The Trident Le Royal Meridian Hilton and Radisson GRT Hotel all five star properties. The Accord Metropolitan 35, G N Chetty Road, T Nagar, Tel 91 44 2816 1000 4391 1000, Fax 91 44 2816 1001, 85 , 86 Chennai s Premier Five Star Hotel. Ambassador Pallava 30, Montieth Road, Egmore, tel 91 44 2855 4476, Fax 91 44 2855 4492, 87 Reasonable value and friendly staff. My Fortune Cathedral Road, tel 91 44 2811 0101, Fax 91 44 2811 0202, 88.Courtyard Chennai 564, Anna Salai 91-44-66764000 89 Known by locals simply as the Marriott this is a gorgeous, recently renovated business hotel located on the western edge of the city core, near the airport Two restaurants, gym, no pool 7100 and up edit. Hyatt Regency 365 Anna Salai, Teynampet, tel 91 44 6100 1235, 90.ITC Hotel Park Sheraton Towers T T K Road, Alwarpet, tel 91 44 2499 4101, Fax 91 44 2499 7101, 91.Le Royal Meridian Business District, 1 GST Road, St Thomas Mount Near Kathipara Junction , tel 91 44 2231 4343, Fax 91 44 2231 4344, 92.The Park 601 Anna Salai next to the Anna Flyover , tel 91 44 5214 4000, Fax 91 44 5214 4100, 93 Modern style with a film theme. Radisson GRT Hotel Radisson GRT Hotel, 531, GST Road, St Thomas Mount Near Kathipara Junction , tel 91 44 2231 0101.Taj Connamera Binny Road, tel 91 44 5500 0000, 94.Taj Coromandel 37, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam, tel 91 44 5500 2827, 95.Trident Chennai 1 24, G S T Road, tel 91 44 2234 4747, Fax 91 44 2234 4555, 96.Emall Hotel E hotel, Chennai 97 Express Avenue Mall, Gate 1, Patullos Road, Tel 91 44 2846 3333, e-mail A chic and trendy boutique hotel at the business hub of Chennai located in Express Avenue Mall Specious rooms, 24 hours Wi-Fi connectivity, the 40 LED TV, global vegetarian restaurant, mini bar and an electronic safe. Stay safe edit. Chennai is generally a safer area of India in terms of crime, although pickpocketing, muggings, and robberies sporadically occur Keep your doors and windows shut and locked at night and do not carry or display large amounts of cash if possible. It is advisable for women, especially unaccompanied ones, to dress modestly and limit their interaction with unfamiliar local men Foreigners were generally overcharged by auto-rickshaws simply because they were ignorant of the prevailing fares and are still now However with recent regulations coming in from 2017, it is compulsory for autos to run on meters The minimum standard rate is Rs 25 1 8 km, over which Rs 12 50 km In the night 10 00 PM o 6 00 AM the fares are charged 50 extra It is necessary to confirm whether the driver knows the exact destination Autos , as auto-rickshaws are known in Chennai, are notorious for fleecing customers, tourists and locals alike so before getting into an auto ask if the driver will set the meter on. Be alert to your surroundings and watch where you step, especially if you get caught in a large crowd where it is difficult to look at what is in front of you Cross str eets extremely carefully as traffic is generally heavy On major roads, use the underground crossings locally called subways Avoid using underground road-crossing subways in the night or if you notice them to be empty Traffic signals are frequently ignored by drivers and pedestrians alike, and it is not at all advisable for tourists to try driving in Chennai. Stay healthy edit. While in Chennai it is advisable to drink only bottled water Do not trust water from small local restaurants as it may be from the tap, and avoid cold or iced drinks that are not commercially sold Bigger chains of eateries and juice shops can be trusted to an extent Eating fresh vegetables and fruits that have sat outside in the presence of insects can also be unhealthy, although bananas and coconuts are usually safe because they are opened only immediately before eating Hot drinks in restaurants such as tea, coffee, and other local specialties are safe, as are packaged bottled drinks such as Aquafina water, Frooti a popular local mango drink and others If you have access to a stove, boiling tap water before drinking is also an option Never eat from roadside shops as the food is prepared in the most unhygienic conditions. Chennai summers are humid and sultry it s better to step out with an umbrella bottled water and some oral rehydration salts available from pharmacies, the brand name is Electral These come in handy if you happen to get dehydrated. Chennai is the medical capital of South East Asia. Hospitals edit. Apollo Hospitals Greams Lane, Off Greams Road, Nungambakkam Tel - 28293333.Aysha Hospital 91A Millers Rd Tel 26426930.Balaji Hospital G S T Road, Guindy, Tel - 22345282.New Hope Medical Centre Kilpauk, Tel - 25321532, 98.CSI Rainy Hospital Royapuram, Tel - 25951329.Hindu Mission Hospital 103, G S T Road, Tambaram West, Tel 22262244, 99.Madras Medical Mission Moggapair 37 -26565961 91, 100.Ramachandra Hospital Porur Tel 91 44 2476 8403. memorial Hospital No1, Radial Road, pallikaranai, Chenn ai 600 100 101. Hospital, No2,McNichols Road,3rd Lane, Chetpet, Chennai 31-Tel 42271000 42271004.Devaki Hospitals Opposite to Rangachari cloth store mylapore. Pharmacies edit. Kanthi Pharmacy No Adyar, Chennai-20 ph 24915410.Apollo Pharmacy All Over the City. Health Glow Spencers Plaza Phase 3 , Mount Road Nungambakkam High Road. Madras Medical Mission 24 Hr Pharmacy, Mogappiar, Chennai-37 102.The Psychotherapy Clinic ,26 1, Arcot Chennai 600 017 103.Contact edit. Landlines edit. BSNL 104 and Airtel 105 Reliance, Tata, are main providers of terrestrial telephone lines in Chennai You can make long distance calls from one of the many booths that display NSD ISD i e National Subscriber Dialing National Long Distance and International Subscriber Dialing International Long Distance Calling cards are also available with these providers which are considerably cheap. Mobile Phones edit. Cell phone rates are one of the cheapest in the world GSM service providers. BSNL 106 GSM Triband with 3G services. AirT el 107 GSM Triband with 3G and 4G services. Vodafone 108 GSM Triband with 3G services. AirCel 109 GSM Triband with 3G services. Reliance GSM launced in 2009.Tata DOCOMO GSM launched in 2009.Idea GSM launched in 2009 and providing 3G services. MTS CDMA launched in 2009.You can buy a sim card with a photo and a copy of your passport For making long distance calls Aircel is cheaper with 49 card calls to US and Canada will be 1 50 Min this will work only in home network For other destinations Please check with operator. CDMA service providers are Reliance 110 , TATA Indicom 111 Virgin Mobile and MTS. Starter packs and top-up cards can be picked up from numerous outlets Seemles roming across the country is provided by all providers. Internet edit. There are several internet cafes from where you can access the internet for sending email or uploading your digital photos. Reliance WebWorld incorporating JavaGreen coffee shops, Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai Mount Road TTK Road, Alwarpet, Besant Nagar, Ady ar The TTK Road branch has free wifi if you use the coffee shop. Sify iway 112 Several of them in the city. Apart from that you can access Internet provided in your hotel or if you are staying long you can buy Internet packs from all mobile providers. ATMs are commonplace, you will not be more than 200m from an ATM Most international credit debit cards are charged a transaction fee of 150 on top of whatever your bank charges except if they have an agreement of some kind with local banks Major exception to this rule is State Bank of India, which does not add any transaction fee. Deutsche Bank 114, Kothari Building, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam - Part of Global ATM Alliance. BNP Paribas Prince Towers, 3rd Fl, 25 26, College Road, Chennai 12.American Express Near Anand Theatre, Anna Salai Mount Road. Citibank Opp Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai, GN Chetty Road, Opposite Citi Centre, Velachery Highway, Nanganallur. ABN Amro Harrington Road, Opp Residency Hotel on GN Chetty Road, Adyar - Sardar Patel Road, TTK Road. HSBC Adyar, Mylapore, Pondy Bazzar, Tidel Park, Kadar Nawaz Khan Road, Annanagar, Rajaji Salai, Kathipara Junction. Andhra BANK All over Chennai. HDFC Bank ITC Centre, Anna Salai Mount Road, Anna Nagar West All over Chennai. ICICI Bank All over Chennai. Axis Bank All over Chennai. Standard Chartered Bank Haddows Road. State Bank of India All over Chennai They have an ATM locator online. Indian Overseas Bank All over Chennai. Indian bank, All over chennai. Oriental Bank of Commerce, Adyar LB Road, Mylapore, G N Chetty Road, T Nagar. Money changers edit. Many hotels will change money for you at the front desk However, they may not have the best rates. It is best to change money at the city based money changers than the ones located at the airports The ones at the airport offer much less for exchanging forex into Indian Rupees and sell forex for a much higher rate than the market rate. American Express Spencers Plaza, Anna salai. Thomas Cook Spencers Plaza, Anna salai. Beauty parlo rs hair salons edit. Celeste Beauty Salon Spencer Plaza, Mobile -9941130508 F-26 Phase 1, First floor Chennai 600002.Ayush Anna Nagar Ph - 26223102 26223446 26203862 , Kilpauk Ph - 52179635 26472298 , Mylapore Ph - 52067071 30907691 - Therapy includes Abhyangam Abhyangam with Pichu Abhyangam with local Pizhichil Abhyangam with Thalam Udvartanam Abhyangam with Nasyam Abhyangam with local Navarakizhi Muka Lepam. Anushka ,6,Thyagaraya Road, Pondy Bazaar, Ph - 52179197.Green Trends 1576, 13th Main Road, Anna Nagar ph - 26161534 Ashok Nagar Ph - 52193636 Adyar Ph - 24451759 Purusawakkam Ph - 52174414 Taylors Road, Kilpauk Ph - 26453331 T Nagar Ph - 28143886 Velachery Ph - 22445590 Virugambakkam Ph - 55511973 - Exotic natural treatments like Strawberry facial, Avocado Butter Massage Facial, Red Banana Facial, Baby-Corn under eye treatment etc etc. Jazzy North Boag Road, T Nagar. Lakme Adayar Ph - 24469730 , Alwarpet Ph - 24662481 , Anna Nagar Ph - 26268841 , Ashok Nagar Ph - 23750207 , Kilp auk Ph - 52179634 , Nungambakkam Ph - 28333050 , T Nagar Ph - 28155577.Salon Nayana GN Chetty Road, T Nagar, Ph - 28256064.Style Mantra - Makeover Concepts Nungambakkam Ph - 28280066 , R K Salai Ph - 28110707.Dollys beauty parlour Elcanso Plaza, Egmore, ph 9840118882.Mind N Body 360degree Fitness Studio - Ramapuram Mugalivakkam 9600030058, 8754409900, 044-42017949.Body Sports Gym - Govindan Road, Saidapet 9841151091.Blue Boutique Gym -329, TTK Road, Alwarpet 24996045,24996064.Talwalkars Near Khader Nawaz Road, Nungambakkam. Talwalkars 23rd Cross Street, Indira Nagar, Adyar. O2 Gym 113 Kader Nawaz Road, Nungambakkam, Velachery. Soldiers Gym Triplicane High Road, Triplicane and on Anna Salai. Gold s Gym No 111, Lattice Bridge Road, NPL Devi, 7th and 8th Floor, Adyar, Chennai - 600041.Post Offices are a common sight, although they may be discreet without big advertisings Snail Mail in India is by a Post Card 25Ps , Inland Letter Rs 5, or envelope Rs 5 The Speed Post facility allows you to send ma il more conveniently than a courier service. Public Telephones in India are available on almost every street usually painted with the letters PCO Public Call office, local calls , STD Subscriber Trunk Dialing and ISD International Subscriber Dialing All booths have electronic metering and you pay what s displayed on the meter Included in the metering is a nominal Rs 2 as service charges You ll also get a receipt if you insist on one. Libraries Cultural Centres edit. British Council - Anna Salai, Phone - 52050600 Ext 350 351 114.Connemara Library - Pantheon Road, Egmore, Phone 28193751 115.Max Mueller Bhavan German - Khadar Nawaz Khan Rd Nungambakkam 116.American Information Resource Center Library located within the American Consulate - see list of consulates. High Commissions edit. Canada 18 Old 24 , 3F, YAFA Tower, Khader Nawaz Khan Rd, Nungambakkam 91 44 2833-0888 117 edit. Chile Oakland House, 7 Adayar Club Gate Rd 91 44 2434-0610 118 edit. Finland Honorary Consul 202 Anna Salai 91 44 2852 -4141 fax 91 44 2852-1253 , 119 edit. Germany 9 Boat Club Rd 91 44 2430-1600 120 M-F 08 00-11 30 edit. Greece 37 Sterling Road, Nungambakkam 91 44-8203663 fax 91 44-8200038 edit. Japan No 12 1 Cenetoph Rd Ist St, Teynampet 91 44-24323860 121 edit. Argentina San Luis Commercial Office ,61 63 Dr Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore edit. Armenia Honorary Consulate Shivsu Towers, 149 Poonamallee High Road, Kilpauk edit. Australia Consulate General , 9th Floor, Express Chambers, Express Avenue Estate, Whites Road, Royapettah edit. Austria, Honorary Consulate, Kothari Buildings, 115 Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam. Belgium, Honorary Consulate, Spic House, 97 Anna Salai, Guindy. Czech Republic, Honorary Consulate,64 Thirumalai Pillai. Denmark, Consulate,9 Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram. Ethiopia, Honorary Consulate,83 First Main Road. France, Honorary Consulate, Shri Vishwavandita, 19 Poes Garden, Gopalapuram. Hungary, Honorary Consulate, Tiam House, 28 Rajaji Road, Georgetown. Iceland, Honorary Consulate, Bhavani Mansion, 2nd Fl oor, 4th Lane, 3 Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam. Indonesia, Honorary Consulate,2-D, Eldorado Building, 2nd Floor, 112 Nungambakkam High. Ireland, Honorary Consulate, Mecheri Centre, 49 Eldams Road, Teynampet. Kyrgyzstan, Honorary Consulate, 2nd Floor, 35-36 Greams Road, Thousand Lights. Latvia, Honorary Consulate, Khivraj Complex II, 2nd Floor, 480 Anna Salai, Nandanam. Liberia, Honorary Consulate,18 Cenatoph Road, Alwarpet. Luxembourg, Honorary Consulate,2D South Gate, 17 Kasturi Rangan Road, Alwarpet. Malawi, Honorary Consulate,83 41 Armenian Street, Golf Links, Gopalapuram. Maldives, Honorary Consulate, Royal Textiles Mills Ltd, 22 Old 855 Anna Salai, Mount Road. Malta, Honorary Consulate,10 II Street, Seethamal Colony, Alwarpet. Mauritius, Honorary Consulate, RR Tower, 94 95 Block 6, 8th Floor, Guindy Industrial Estate, Guindy. Mongolia, Honorary Consulate, Agastyar Manor, 20 Raja Street, T Nagarherlands, Honorary Consulate,80 81, 7th Floor, MBC Towers, Alwarpet. New Zealand, Honorary Consulate, Rane Engine Valves Lt d, Maithri, 132 Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram. Norway Consulate, Harbour Gate House, P O Box 1396, 44 45 Rajaji Salai Georgetown. Paraguay, Honorary Consulate, AVM Studios, NSK Salai, Vadapalani. Philippines, Honorary Consulate, Spic House, Annex Building, 8th Floor, 88 Anna Salai, Guindy. Serbia, Honorary Consulate,3D, 5 Murrays Gate Road, Alwarpet. Seychelles, Honorary Consulate, Hello Telecom P Ltd, 62 Veerabadran Street, Nungambakkam. Singapore, CONSULATE GENERAL,17-A North Boag Road, T Nagar. Slovenia, Honorary Consulate, Shanthi Apartments, Flat No 4, 1st Floor, No 22 Judge Jambulingam Road, Mylapore. South Africa, Honorary Consulate,19 Rajaji Salai, Georgetown. South Korea, Honorary Consulate, Chaitanya, 19, 3rd Floor, 12 Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Nungambakkam. Spain, Honorary Consulate, 6 Nimmo Road, Santhome. Sri Lanka, DEPUTY HIGH COMMISSION,196 T T K Road, Alwarpet. Sweden, Honorary Consulate,6 Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram. Switzerland, Honorary Consulate, I-6 Dr V S I Estate, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Thiruvanmiyur. Thailand, CO NSULATE GENERAL, 21 22 Arunchalam Road, Kotturpuram. Turkey, Honorary Consulate, The KCP Ltd Ramakrishna Building, 2 Dr P V Cherian Crescent, Egmore. Turkmenistan, Honorary Consulate,3 Mangesh Street, T Nagar. Zambia, Honorary Consulate, Rosy Tower, II Floor, 7 Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam. Malaysia New no 7,Old no 3,Cenotaph Road,1st street, teynampet, Chennai-600018 Near SIET College , 9144-28226895 09 00am to 05 00pm edit. Russia Santhome High Rd, Santhome Next to St Bedes School edit. United Kingdom 20 Anderson Rd, Nungambakkam 91 44 4219-2151 fax 91 44 42192322 M-F 08 30-13 00 and 13 30-16 00 edit. United States 220 Anna Salai Near Gemini Flyover , 122 secret edit. Get out edit. East Coast Road ECR edit. The East Coast Road ECR , named for the stretch of coastline which the road abutts, is a two-lane state highway which connects Chennai with Pondicherry The stretch of road, especially between Chennai and Mahabalipuram is a popular weekend getout with a number of beaches, resorts, amusement an d theme parks and multiplexes. Some of the important tourist spots on this stretch include. Marundeswarar Temple 123 14 kms from Chennai is a 11th century Hindu temple located barely a few hundred metres into the East Coast Road that one comes across on the route The presiding deity is Shiva. Cholamandalam Artists Village 124 21 kms from Chennai Set up by a group of artists to serve as a recluse for artists of all genres This village offers the ambience needed for creativity to flow and is inhabited only by artists The village offers guesthouse facilities exclusively for artists from elsewhere so that they could also benefit from the environment provided by the place A must visit for those who appreciate the finer things of life. VGP Universal Kingdom 125 23 kms from Chennai Started in Injambakkam village in 1975 as the VGP Golden Beach, the Universal Kingdom is the oldest amusement park along the ECR and also the first of its kind in Tamil Nadu Ploughing a lonely furrow for decades, the U niversal Kingdom has been facing stiff competition from other amusement and theme parks in the last two decades Though this has a caused a significant fall in revenues, the VGP Universal Kingdom still maintains a significant though much-reduced presence along the beach The Prarthana Drive In Theatre and Restaurant 126 nearby was started in 1991 and advertises itself as the world s first beach drive-in theatre and India s only beachside drive-in theatre. Kart Attack 127 23 kms from Chennai Situated in Akkarai village next to Injambakkam, Kart Attack is the first karting centre in Chennai and the most popular one It has also been instrumental in creating a few go karting champions also There is also an RC car race track next to Hot Kitchen Restaurant nearby. Mayajaal 128 29 kms from Chennai Started in Kanathur village in 1997, Mayajaal, which extends for over 100,000 is Asia s largest multiplex theatre The complex includes movie theatres, bowling alleys, video games parlours and multicuisi ne food courts The multiplex is open from 11 AM to 11 PM every day The MGM Dizzee World situated nearby is a theme park that offers joy rides, food stalls and other games It is spread over an area of 27 acres. Dakshinachitra 129 30 kms from Chennai Dakshinachitra is a museum of art, architecture, lifestyles, crafts and performing arts of South India It was started by Deborah Thiagarajan, an art and crafts lover in 1996.Muttukadu Boat House 35 kms from Chennai Started in 1984, the Muttukadu Boat House offers rowing, wind surfing, water skiing, and speedboat riding facilities There are a total of 15 row boats, 27 speedboats and 9 pedal boats besides two high-speed aqua scooters The boat house is maintained by the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation TTDC and is visited by more than 4,000 people every weekend. Covelong 36 kms from Chennai locally known as Kovalam, is a small fishing village that was fortified by the Nawab of Carnatic, Saadat Ali in the 18th century A former Dutch colo ny, the fort was taken by the French under General Labourdonnais in 1746 Covelong was conquered by Robert Clive in 1752 and the fort was destroyed The Beach is separated from the mainland by the canal running from Chennai to Mahabalipuram The Taj Group of Hotels runs the Fisherman s Cove Resort on a building of Dutch colonial vintage There is a Catholic church, Hindu temple and Muslim darga on the beach Sunbathing here attracts much less attention than in the city beaches Wind surfing is a popular sport on the beach. Crocodile Bank Trust 130 40 kms from Chennai The brainchild of Romulus Whittaker, the acknowledged specialist on reptiles, this center has gained fame as an endeavor for the preservation and propagation of endangered species of crocodiles The center also houses a large variety of snakes To get to Crocodile Bank from Chennai Triplicane , you need to get on the PP19 B X bus runs along the beach to Kovalum, which is the last stop for 14 75mins 30km Then at this same intersecti on, get on 588 C X bus to Mamallapurum 7Km 7mins for 14 18AC The entry fee is 35locals 60foreigners w a 20 still camera 40 video camera fee Some people know it as a farm park rather than a bank if you are asking for directions. Saluvankuppam 47 kms from Chennai A fishing village, 5 kms from Mahabalipuram, which is known for a Pallava-era monument known as the Tiger Cave Maintained by the Archaeological Survey of India ASI and dating to the 8th century AD, the Tiger Cave is a popular family picnic spot enroute to Mahabalipuram. Krishna s Butter Ball - Mamallapuram. Mamallapuram or Mahabalipuram 52 kms from Chennai The world-famous tourist destination includes two UNESCO World Heritage monuments - the Pancha Rathas and the Shore Temple The Pancha Rathas are believed to have been the work of the Pallava king Narasimhavarman I also known as Mamalla 630-668 while the Shore Temple was constructed by the Pallava king Narasimhavarman II also known as Rajasimha 695-722 The Shore Temple is one of th e oldest structural temples constructed in Tamil Nadu The temples are listed as monuments of national importance and maintained by the ASI. ECR beyond Mahabalipuram edit. Kalpakkam 67 kms from Chennai The Madras Atomic Power Station MAPS , India s first fully indigenously constructed nuclear power station is situated in Kalpakkam. Sadras 70 kms from Chennai or Sadurangapattinam is a former Dutch colony which has a fort maintained by the ASI. Pondicherry 167 kms from Chennai a former French colony and administrative headquarters of French India. Restaurants along ECR edit. The ECR road abounds with restaurants and eating spots, which offer a wide range of cuisines and tasteful ambience And you can plan your dinner or lunch in one of these hotels. A few of the food outlets are listed below. Blue Lagoon - Thanjavur Restaurant. Food Village - Coastal Kitchen. Hot Kitchen. Grand Southern Trunk GST Road edit. Meenambakkam 18 kms from Chennai The Chennai International Airport is located in Meenambakkam. Tir usulam 19 kms from Chennai Tirusulam is a municipality in the Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu The Tirusulanathar Temple constructed by the 11th century Chola king Kulothunga I is located in Tirusulam The temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva and possesses inscriptions from the Chola period. Pallavaram 22 kms from Chennai A municipality in the Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu, Pallavaram gets its name Pallavapuram, as it was an important settlement during the Pallava period Within the precincts of the Islamic dargah located atop a hill within the town, are a set of 7th century rock-cut shrines or mandapa s believed to have been hewn from rock by the Pallava king Mahendravarman I 600-635 There is also a Sanskrit inscription in grantha characters Pallavaram is also the place where the oldest man made artifact in India, a hand-held stone axe, was found by Robert Bruce Foote in 1861 This proved that the region was inhabited as early as the Early Palaeolithic, that is 500,000 years before Christ The hand axe was only the first of many discoveries of the what came to be known as the Madras industry. Vandalur 31 kms from Chennai The Arignar Anna Zoological Park or Vandalur Zoo is situated in Vandalur For more details, refer the section on Zoological parks. Singaperumal Koil 47 kms from Chennai It is a township in Kanchipuram district It is famous for the Patalathri Sri Ugra Narasimhar Temple, a mountain shrine of the Pallava period 6th to 9th century AD deicated to Narasimha, an avatar or incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. Chengalpattu 55 kms from Chennai It is a municipality in Kanchipuram district Chengalpattu is a famous for its mud fort, a few hill shrines and the Kolava Lake Situated at an elevation of 118 feet, Chengalpattu was a health resort during colonial times. GST beyond Chengalpattu edit. Madurantakam 78 kms from Chennai A municipality in Kanchipuram district, Madurantakam is known for the Eri Katha Ramar Koil or the Temple of Rama who protected the Tank It is believed that in 1798, the British District Collector of Chingleput as Chengalpattu was called back then named Sir Lionel Blaze had a vision of the Hindu gods Rama and Lakshmana gurading the temple tank each with a bow and a quiver of arrows and hence the name. Melmaruvathur 88 kms from Chennai Melmaruvathur is known for the Adhi Parasakthi Siddhar Peetham a famous shrine of Hindu pilgrimage. Tiruchirappalli 320 kms from Chennai The fourth largest city in Tamil Nadu, Tiruchirappalli, popularly known as Tiruchi or Trichy and in colonial times as Trichinopoly is a popular Hindu pilgrimage centre and manufacturing hub The Rockfort temples, the Jambukewarar Temple at Thiruvanaikkoil and the Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple at Srirangam are the most important Hindu temples in the city Archaeological excavations at Uraiyur, a suburb of Tiruchirappalli have revealed the remains of an Early Chola settlement which is almost two thousand years old Tiruchi is also famous for the Trichinopoly cigars. Temples edit. South India is famous for its temples Even if you aren t on a pilgrimage, these are worth a visit if you are interested in grand buildings and architecture There are 33, 000 temples in and around Chennai Some of them are. Chidambaram Approximately 250 Kms from Chennai The famous Lord Nataraja temple which has the golden roof for the moolavar which was offered by Parantaka Chola I. Tiruvallur Approximately 45 Kms from Chennai It is famous for its Vaidhya Veera raghava Swami Temple and Sri Viswaroopa Panchamukha Anjaneya Swami Ashram which has a 40 ft tall Murti of Hanuman. Tirupati Approximately 150 Kms from Chennai, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Madurai Home to the famous Meenakshi temple. Tirunelveli Home to the TamilNadu s largest Shiva temple Nellaiappar Temple. Swamithoppe Ayya Vaikundar Pathi, religious head quarters of Ayyavazhi. Kanchipuram Kamakshi temple, seat of one of the Shankaracharyas - the closest Hinduism comes to a spiritual head. Thanjavur Brihadeswara temple Big Temple. Tiruvannamalai Arunachala Temple famous for full moon day girivalam and Deepam. Tiruchirapalli It s situated 350 kms south of NH45 Trichy can be reached in 5-6 hrs and it has lot of attractions including the Srirangam temple Sri Renganathar, Ucchi Pillayar Rock Fort temple and the river Cauvery. This is a usable article It has information for getting in as well as some complete entries for restaurants and hotels An adventurous person could use this article, but please plunge forward and help it grow. Chaos Wave Indicator Forex. Our use of the word fractal, or Elliott Wave fractal, is not a use of the property of self-similarity We do this not to create confusion but to give proper credit to Dr Chaos Wave Indicator Forex China Stock Exchange Shanghai A Buy fractal forms at the top of the price wave with the Highest High in the middle and two Lower highs on each Buy fractal, Sell fractal Forex indicator, Buy fractal and Sell fractal share bars Fractals trading Bill Williams Chaos Theory Bill Williams, the originator of the expression as we use it By continuing to browse this site, you give consent for cookies to be used This property is called self-similarity and it is what a writer is referring to when he says that the market is fractal in nature One of the basic tenets of Elliott Wave theory is that market structure is fractal in character Nov 10, 2017 Chaos Rsioma indicator with QQE Trading System Submit by RSIOMA is an indicator of force of markets that derive from RSI QQE is an Chaos Wave Indicator Forex 4 Trading Stocks Education and Tactics - Elliott Wave Theory Fractals Day Trading, Forex Trading, Futures Trading and Swing Trading Services for the Waves first appeared, to our knowledge, in Dr Bill Williams book Trading Chaos Sep 1, 2017 The Elliott Wave Theory is a tool for technical analysis of financial markets that has Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry In our universe there is the movement of any financial market FOREX, equities, derivatives etc If two bars in the progression have equal highs followed by two consecutive bars with lower highs, then a total of six bars rather than the usual five bars will make up the progression Using fractals to count Elliott Waves is a breakthrough because any particular bar either is a fractal or it is not a fractal You will especially appreciate this if you have ever tried counting waves from a close only line chart A Buy fractal forms at the top of the price wave with the Highest High in the middle and two Lower highs on each Buy fractal, Sell fractal Forex indicator, Buy fractal and Sell fractal share bars Fractals trading Bill Williams Chaos Theory When we use the term we mean a counting fractal, which is really a description of a particular bar on a high-low bar chart. 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Using so called fractals to count Elliott Waves first appeared, to our knowledge, in Dr Chaos Wave Indicator Forex In a perfect world every time frame chart would have unambiguo us sequences of up and down fractals to mark every Elliott Wave Quite often the fractal progression is broken with what we call fugitive fractals, for example, two clearly marked up fractals with no intervening down fractal to unambiguously complete the Forex Factory Trading Stocks Education and Tactics - Elliott Wave Theory Fractals Day Trading, Forex Trading, Futures Trading and Swing Trading Services for the Waves first appeared, to our knowledge, in Dr Bill Williams book Trading Chaos The late Zoran Gayer of Australia was advancing Elliott Wave theory based on The randomness or chaos patterns itself around a deeper pattern, and goes Forex Indicators Tutorials, Explanations and Free Forex Indicators Infinitus Mbfx Trading System Indicators Of A Chemical Reaction A Buy fractal forms at the top of the price wave with the Highest High in the middle and two Lower highs on each Buy fractal, Sell fractal Forex indicator, Buy fractal and Sell fractal share bars Fractals trading Bill Willia ms Chaos Theory The lows of the bars are not considered in determining the up fractal progression A wide range bar can be both an up fractal and a down fractal at the same time. For more details, including how you can amend your preferences, please read our Privacy Policy The non-scientific explanation is that Elliott Wave patterns that show up on long term charts will also show up on lower time frame charts, albeit with more complex structures Chaos Wave Indicator Forex Old New Points Gold Forex We are not aware of any peer review quality research to support or disprove this hypothesis, but it does appear credible from the empirical evidence of others and from our own experience Chaos Wave Indicator Forex Bill Williams book Trading Chaos Like many other concepts in Dr Jan 12, 2017 See how I forecast the end of the third and fifth Elliott waves The basic definition of an up fractal is a bar high that is both higher than the two bars immediately preceding it, and higher than the two bars immediately following it. Forex Trading In India Wikitravel. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website Chaos Wave Indicator Forex In these cases you have to use your own judgment and go lower or higher in time frames, or use a close only chart to resolve the relative importance of the fugitive fractal and whether or not it should be forced into the wave Market Index Trading Strategies Willams books, the fractal is elegant in its simplicity Sherut Leumi Options Trading Fractals mark the beginning and ending points of individual waves.
